
WIC Program: COVID-19 Emergency Response

COVID-19 Updates

North Carolina WIC Program North Carolina WIC Program
  • WIC remains open to serve eligible family members. There have been some modifications in how services are provided in response to COVID-19.
    • If you or a family member are currently certified to receive WIC food benefits the benefits will be added to your eWIC account on your family issue date without any further action. This will limit personal interactions at the local WIC clinic.
    • If you need breastfeeding support, any food package change, or need to update certification please follow the instructions from your local WIC agency. Keep your current eWIC card. Your current eWIC card will be used for future months WIC food benefits.
    • If you have questions, call your local WIC office for specific guidance on how services are being provided.
    • *New applicants* may self-refer by using the online referral form to initiate the certification process.
  • NC WIC COVID-19 food package waivers: if a store is out of the product type/size issued in food benefits, the following items are allowed:
    • Bread - 100% whole wheat or whole grain, any size 16-24 oz.
    • Milk - when issued skim/non-fat or 1%, you can get 2%.
    • Yogurt - when issued skim/non-fat or 1%, you can get whole-fat.
  • If you are seeking WIC services for the first time, please visit the MyWIC page to contact your local agency.

  • Última información: la mayoría de las clínicas de WIC todavía está abiertas. Sin embargo, algunas clínicas de WIC cerrarán temporalmente para proteger la salud de sus participantes y personal. Tu clínica WIC se comunicará contigo para hacer una nueva cita. Si tienes preguntas, favor de llamar a tu clínica local de WIC.
  • Las concesiones de NC WIC COVID-19: Si una tienda está fuera del tipo / tamaño de producto emitido, se permiten los siguientes productos:
    • Pan - 100% trigo integral o grano entero, cualquier tamaño 16-24 oz.
    • Leche: cuando se emite descremada / sin grasa o 1%, puede obtener 2%.
    • Yogurt: cuando se emite descremado / sin grasa o 1%, puede obtener grasa entera.
  • Si necesita los servicios de WIC por primera vez, por favor hacer clic aquí para contactar a su clínica WIC.

North Carolina WIC Program

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 NC WIC Increased Cash Value Benefit (CVB) - Updated 1/13/22

 COVID-19 Information for Local Agencies - Updated 09/29/21

COVID-19: Families First Coronavirus Response Act (H.R. 6201)

North Carolina was granted approval of a physical presence waiver through May 31, 2020. The approval to waive the physical presence requirement includes the ability to defer anthropometric and bloodwork requirements necessary to determine nutritional risk for the period the physical presence waiver is in effect. Where necessary, the local agency may defer anthropometric and bloodwork requirements necessary to determine nutrition risk but the Competent Professional Authority (CPA) must still attempt to the best of his/her ability to assess nutrition risk based on the information available through telephonic or online communication and/or referral data.

Prenatal Nutrition Education

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute (CGBI) is offering a Virtual Ready, Set, Baby Prenatal Education Class with updated curriculum including COVID-19 guidance and recommendations related to pregnancy, birth, and postpartum care. This recurring class is being taught live by graduate lactation students from the Gillings School of Global Public Health with oversight by a CGBI staff member. This free service is available for WIC program participants over Zoom throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. This Zoom platform is compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

Local WIC Agencies are encouraged to share the appropriate Zoom link with interested pregnant participants. A local WIC agency may utilize the Virtual Ready, Set, Baby Prenatal Education Class to fulfill the second prenatal nutrition education contact and/or as supplemental breastfeeding education. If the local WIC agency wishes to utilize the class as a second prenatal nutrition education contact, a certificate of class completion must be submitted by the participant to the local WIC agency. Upon receipt of the certificate of class completion, the local WIC agency staff must document lesson completion in the Nutrition Education section of the participant’s record, issue benefits, and set-up future appointments

  • October-December 2021 Schedule Please Note: No classes (English or Spanish) will be held on December 20th or 27th

Breast Pump Issuance Resources

  1. Teaching Checklist (PDF, 118 KB)
  2. Assembly and Care Videos
  3. Hand Expression
  4. Required Handouts for Remote Breast Pump Issuance
    • Breastfeeding Supplies Release of Liability and Loan Agreement
    • CDC’s Storage and Preparation of Breastmilk - Available for order via the NSB Materials Requisition Form

COVID-19 Vaccine Information

Well Child Visit & Immunizations - New 10/20/2020

Social Media Posts

The outreach materials below were developed by the Immunization Branch at the North Carolina Division of Public Health. These graphics were created to encourage continued well-child visits and immunizations during the COVID-19 pandemic. The graphics are formatted for use on your social media accounts/websites. There is also a document attached with supporting text to post with the graphics.

Immunization Messaging Graphics (Zip file)

 Participating in WIC During COVID-19, Information for Families - Updated 02/09/21

The safety and health of your family is WIC's utmost priority during the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). To protect all families and staff, your local WIC offices may be offering services by phone or online until further notice.

Please call your local WIC office ahead of your appointment to see if it is open to face-to-face.

What if my WIC office is closed?

Families with a North Carolina eWIC card, your WIC benefits can be added to your card remotely during an active certification period. WIC staff may call or text you to confirm information about your account. Please check in by telephone or follow your WIC office’s website or social media for updates.

What if I can't contact my local WIC office?

Please contact the Nutrition Services Branch, the North Carolina WIC State Office.

  • Phone: 919-707-5800
  • Email

Use Your WIC during COVID-19

What if WIC foods are out of stock at my grocery store?

Waivers: English in Color (PDF, 1.1 MB) | Español en Color (PDF, 1.1 MB)

How can I get WIC if I lost my job from COVID-19?  New to WIC?

If you or someone you know has been financially affected by recent events and are pregnant, just had a baby or have children under the age of five, WIC is accepting applications for new families and is here to help provide healthy foods and other resources. Eligible families, dads, grandparents and foster parents caring for eligible children should contact their local WIC office for more information.

Find your local WIC office

 Resources for Families During COVID-19 - Updated 09/29/21

Additional Resources for Families:


Code for America’s new portal, GetCTC, will help families access the Child Tax Credit and other tax benefits they might have missed, including stimulus payments.

GetCTC makes it easy for families with low or no income to get the flexible cash they deserve. The portal is free, mobile-friendly, and available in English and Spanish.

Clean Away COVID by ASPHN (Association of State Public Health Nutritionists)

Last Modified: 01-13-2022