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The North Carolina Nutrition Education and Training (NET) Program in the N.C. Division of Public Health works with numerous state and local-level partners to provide nutrition education resources for students, families, educators and food service personnel. The Nutrition Education and Training (NET) Program, strives to integrate mealtime and learning experiences to help children make informed food choices as part of a healthy lifestyle. The N.C. NET Program instructs educators in nutrition education, trains food service personnel in nutrition and nutrition education, develops educational materials and curricula, and supports healthful school environments through implementation of Local Wellness Policy.
The N.C. NET Resource Library makes available audiovisuals, computer programs, games, curricula guides, textbooks, children's books and other resources for classroom, cafeteria and community use. Items cover topics such as general nutrition, food preparation, food science, fitness, sports nutrition, special needs, eating disorders, food labels and dietary management. This collection of materials is available for loan to anyone in North Carolina who works with children of all ages.
The intent of the North Carolina Healthful Living Standard Course of Study is to establish competency goals and objectives for the teaching and learning of behaviors that contribute to a healthful lifestyle and improved quality of life for all students. The N.C. Healthful Living Standard Course of Study is a combination of two content areas: health education and physical education. The two courses should complement each other as reflected in the Standard Course of Study Strands, Competency Goals, and Objectives. Attention should also be given to the Grade-level Major Emphases and Focus areas to ensure students experience a comprehensive sequential educational program that involves learning a variety of skills and concepts that are health-enhancing.
Action for Healthy Kids (AFHK) is a nationwide initiative dedicated to improving the health and educational performance of children through better nutrition and physical activity in schools. Healthy schools produce healthy students - and healthy students are better able to learn and achieve their true potential. North Carolina AFHK is one of 51 Action for Healthy Kids state teams. The mission of North Carolina Action for Healthy Kids is to improve children's nutrition and physical activity in schools by collaborating with diverse stakeholders in advocating, promoting and implementing national and state initiatives. N.C. Action for Healthy Kids' primary work focuses on implementing Local Wellness Policies in North Carolina schools through the implementation of the Successful Students Eat Smart and Move More campaign.
Breakfast is Brain Fuel is a school breakfast toolkit tailored for North Carolina that offers resources to educate students about the importance and benefits of breakfast, motivate students to eat breakfast, gain support for school breakfast, and encourage students and families to utilize school breakfast.
- How-To/Assessment/Planning
- Breakfast is Brain Fuel Guide to School Breakfast (PDF, 823 KB)
- U.S. Department of Agriculture Benefits of Breakfast (PDF, 74 KB)
- Food Research and Action Center - Annotated Bibliography Research on the Impacts of Breakfast on Children and Adolescents (PDF, 127 KB)
- N.C. State Board of Education Resolution to Promote School (PDF, 44 KB)
- Fact Sheet - What’s for School Breakfast? (PDF, 79 KB)
- Fact Sheet - More than One Way to Serve School Breakfast (PDF, 89 KB)
- Fact Sheet - Offer versus Serve (PDF, 143 KB)
- Compliance Sheet - What Makes a School Breakfast? (DOC, 1.0 MB)
- U.S. Department of Agriculture - Calculating Costs Worksheet (PDF, 222 KB)
- National Food Service Management Institute - Financial Management Information System (PDF, 1.8 MB)
- Sample Menu - Breakfast in the Classroom (PDF, 79 KB)
- Sample Menu - Grab n’ Go or Satellite Breakfast (PDF, 77 KB)
- Sample Menu - Second Chance Breakfast (PDF, 79 KB)
- Breakfast Survey for Child Nutrition Administrators (PDF, 84 KB)
- Breakfast Survey for Principals (PDF, 79 KB)
- Breakfast Survey for Teachers (PDF, 79 KB)
- Breakfast Survey for Families (PDF, 71 KB)
- Breakfast Survey for Students (PDF, 71 KB)
- Educational
- Frequently Asked Questions (PDF, 95 KB)
- Brochure - Breakfast is Brain Fuel (PUB, 869 KB)
- Fact Sheet - The Myths of School Breakfast (PDF, 108 KB)
- Fact Sheet - Flavored Milks (PDF, 109 KB)
- Fact Sheet - Child Nutrition Walking the Walk (PDF, 123 KB)
- Fact Sheet - School Nurses Walking the Walk (PDF, 121 KB)
- Fact Sheet - Principals Walking the Walk (PDF, 105 KB)
- Fact Sheet - Teachers Walking the Walk (PDF, 103 KB)
- Fact Sheet - Families Walking the Walk (PDF, 126 KB)
- Training Presentation (PPT, 5.5 MB)
- Display - Breakfast is Brain Fuel (PPT, 696 KB)
- Twelve Tips for Nutrition Education (PDF, 101 KB)
- Lesson Plans - Breakfast is Brain Fuel K-12 Integrated Nutrition Curriculum
- Introduction (PDF, 91 KB)
- Objectives Reference Chart (PDF, 77 KB)
- Teacher Resources (PDF, 4.4 MB)
- Kindergarten (PDF, 6.5 MB)
- Grade 1 (PDF, 6.3 MB)
- Grade 2 (PDF, 614 KB)
- Grade 3 (PDF, 1.1 MB)
- Grade 4 (PDF, 8.6 MB)
- Grade 5 (PDF, 5.1 MB)
- Grade 6 (PDF, 6.4 MB)
- Grade 7 (PDF, 689 KB)
- Grade 8 (PDF, 240 KB)
- Grades 9-12 (PDF, 1.9 MB)
- Bulletin Board - Breakfast is Brain Fuel
- Promotional
- Logo Usage and Style Guide (PDF, 170 KB)
- Twelve Quick and Easy Ways to Promote School Breakfast (PDF, 99 KB)
- Video - Breakfast is Brain Fuel
- Sample School Announcements (PDF, 98 KB)
- Posters
- Banners
- Flier Template (DOC, 632 KB)
- Stickers (DOC, 91 KB)
- Invitation Template (PUB, 611 KB)
- Tips for Working with the Media (PDF, 133 KB)
- Talking Points - Key Messages about Breakfast (PDF, 101 KB)
- Press Release Template (DOC, 27 KB)
- Sample Feature Article (DOC, 26 KB)
- Sample Proclamation (DOC, 24 KB)
Successful Students Eat Smart, Move More is a social marketing intervention designed to create a “buzz” around Local Wellness Policy among school board members, superintendents, School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) chairs and PTA members so that policies will be implemented, evaluated and supported by the larger community. The materials are divided into five sections: 1) Speaker Handouts from the March 2008 Spring Forward with Local Wellness Policy workshops; 2) Advocacy Tools; 3) Community Outreach; 4) Evaluation; and 5) Training and Presentations.
Note: Please note file sizes before downloading; some files exceed 1 MB and slower connections may experience long download times.
- Speaker Handouts
- Advocacy Tools
- Action Tools
- White Papers
- Community Outreach
- PTA Newsletters
- January - School Stores
- February - School Celebrations
- March - Classroom Rewards
- April - Foods from Home
- May - Making Eating Enjoyable
- June - Promoting Local Wellness Policy
- July - Establishing Community Support
- August - Wellness Policy 101
- September - Student Success with Physical Activity and Nutrition
- October - School Vending
- November - Fundraising
- December - School Concessions
- PTA Boletín
- Enero - Las tiendas escolares
- Febrero - Las celebraciones escolares
- Marzo - Las recompensas en el aula
- Abril - Comidas del hogar
- Mayo - Haga placentero el almuerzo
- Junio - Cómo promover las normas de salud local
- Julio - Cómo solicitar el apoyo de la comunidad
- Agosto - ¿Qué son las normas de salud local?
- Septiembre - La actividad física, la nutrición y el éxito de los estudiantes
- Octubre - Máquinas expendedoras de alimentos y bebidas
- Noviembre - La recaudación de fondos
- Diciembre - Tiendas de Comida en las Escuelas
- Media Materials
- Successful Students Eat Smart and Move More Ads
- Evaluation
- Training and Presentations
This is a promotional tool kit designed for use by Child Nutrition professionals in North Carolina. The items are intended to promote the school meals program to families, teachers and principals. The tool kit was developed after conducting focus groups with these three audiences and getting input from managers, supervisors and directors. Materials and messages reflect the needs of all the groups.
These resources are currently under revision.
The menu templates are available for Child Nutrition programs to use in promoting school meals and providing nutrition education. The menu templates were designed in two formats - elementary and middle/high. The content for the elementary school menus is aimed at families and the content for the middle/high school menus is aimed at middle/high school students.
2012-2013 Menu Templates
2011-2012 Menu Templates
Accommodating students with special nutritional needs necessitates cooperation and communication within an interdisciplinary team of professionals based at the local school level and members of the community. This team must ensure appropriate and timely services to meet each student’s nutrition and mealtime participation needs. Training provided by the N.C. Department of Public Instruction and N.C. Division of Public Health provided the following resources to assist schools in serving students who require modified diets:
- Mealtime and Feeding for Students with Modified Diet Orders – An Interdisciplinary Approach Training
- Accommodating Students with Special Dietary Needs (PPT, 2.5 MB)
- Developing a Local Plan to Address Modified Diet Orders and Requests (DOC, 71 KB)
- A Comparison Chart: IDEA and Section 504 (PDF, 113 KB)
- Medical Statement for Students with Special Nutritional Needs for School Meals (DOC, 66 KB)
- Food and Liquid Consistency Modifications (PDF, 176 KB)
- Sample Health Care Provider Letter (DOC, 43 KB)
- Dietary Modification Decision-making Flowchart (PDF, 69 KB)
- School Leaders’ Role in Accommodating Students with Special Nutritional Needs (PDF,109 KB)
- Possible Roles of Specific Individuals in the Management of Students with Life-threatening Food Allergies/Anaphylaxis (PDF, 38 KB)
- Sample of Possible Accommodations for Student with Food Allergy (PDF, 113 KB)
- Food Allergies – Additional Resources (PDF, 105 KB)
- Questions and Answers from Local Education Agency Training on Mealtime and Feeding for Students with Modified Diet Orders (PDF, 260 KB)
- North Carolina Modified Diets Task Force Contact List (PDF, 81 KB)
These lesson plans are designed to help you effortlessly build fruit and veggie nutrition education into your classroom. To ease integration of the lessons into your classroom, this K-5 curriculum combines fruit and veggie education with Math and English Language Arts activities. A Math and English Language Arts Objectives Quick Reference summarizes the objectives addressed in each lesson. Teacher resources are included in an Introduction and Resources Section. You will also find a section called Classroom Activities for additional ideas on promoting fruits and veggies with your students.
These resources are currently under revision.
These materials help you effortlessly build fruit and veggie nutrition education into your classrooms, cafeterias and communities. Your role modeling and positive interactions with students and their families can set the stage for lifelong healthy eating behaviors. The resources are grouped in the following sections: ideas for use of the resources; success stories; presentations, resources, web sites; resources for cafeteria staff; resources for families; graphics; media; and evaluations.
These resources are currently under revision.
Not only are fruits and vegetables nutritious, delicious and come in lots of varieties and forms, but they also provide many health benefits. They are important for every age group. Preparing and eating more of them really does matter, both now and in the future.
These resources are currently under revision.
School gardens are effective learning tools that create opportunities for children to discover fresh food, make healthier food choices and be more active. Gardens offer dynamic settings for class curriculum activities that integrate science, environmental studies, math, reading, nutrition, health and physical activity.
Food for Thought is a K-5 curriculum that allows you to teach the nutrition objectives of the Healthful Living Standard Course of Study while integrating the concepts of healthy eating and physical activity into Math and English Language Arts. Effective nutrition education can motivate and enable students to adopt healthful dietary patterns and healthy lifestyles. Food for Thought will allow you to deliver effective nutrition education.
These resources are currently under revision.
Food for Thought: Making the Connection is comprised of four “Smart Strategies” based on MyPyramid for Kids to help cafeteria staff and teachers extend the Food for Thought curriculum to the cafeteria and home. The strategies promote healthy decision-making in a positive, fun and memorable way. Each strategy includes staff resources, student handouts (Cafeteria Connections) and family handouts (Fit Foundations).
These resources are currently under revision.
Bulletin boards can be colorful, engaging visuals that stimulate the minds of students and school staff. These educational tools also have the power to reinforce the healthy lifestyle messages presented in the classroom and cafeteria. The bulletin boards included in this toolkit support the messages of the Food for Thought curriculum and Making the Connection Smart Strategies.
Making the Connection Bulletin Board Toolkit
- Training (PPT, 14.2 MB)
- How-To Guide for Bulletin Boards (PDF, 2 MB)
- Bulletin Boards Strategy 1: Getting to Know MyPlate
- Orange is for Grains
- Green is for Veggies
- Red is for Fruit
- Blue is for Dairy
- Purple is for Protein Foods
- Yellow is for Oils
Serve Up a Healthier You is a staff wellness toolkit tailored for Child Nutrition professionals in North Carolina offering resources and strategies for eating smart, moving more and living healthy.
How-To Guide/Planning
Environment/Policy Change
- Motivational Posters
- Sample Healthy Foods Policy
- Guidelines for Healthy Foods and Beverages at Meetings, Gatherings and Events
- Businesses Leading the Way in Support of Breastfeeding
- Bring Fresh Produce to Your Setting
- Sample Physical Activity Policy
- A Guide to Making Physical Activity a Part of Meetings, Conferences and Events
- A Guide to Stairwell Initiatives
- Handouts - See National Nutrition Month Handouts below.
- Newsletters
- Issue 1
- Issue 2
- Issue 3
- Issue 4
- Issue 5
The National Nutrition Month Handouts, available in English and Spanish, offer tips and strategies for eating smart and moving more.
The N.C. Graduation Project consists of four components: a research paper, product, portfolio, and an oral presentation. The N.C. Graduation Project provides students the opportunity to connect content knowledge, acquired skills, and work habits to real world situations and issues. A mentor should be identified in conjunction with the student’s teachers and advisors to help guide his or her work on the project.
In an effort to assist students who are interested in pursuing a nutrition topic for their project, the N.C. Nutrition Education and Training (NET) Program offers the following resources:
The North Carolina Nutrition Education and Training Program provides links to additional nutrition and physical activity educational resources that may be useful to schools, health departments, and other agencies and organizations working in the community to improve nutrition, health and wellness.