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2000 Supplement - General

The items are listed in alphabetical order by title.  



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Around the World: Healthy Snacks and Easy Meals


A series of four humorous 25-30 minutes videos featuring three easy-to-prepare recipes which can easily be made by teens. Recipes come from China, Mexico, Italy and North Africa.

AUDIENCE: Middle/High School General Adult Adult Day Care

FORMAT: Videos Lesson plans Recipes

The Benefits of Breastfeeding


This video offers the facts you need to make an informed decision on of the most important health choices you will make for your newborn. It is divided into five segments: health benefits for baby, nutrition benefits for baby, benefits for you, common questions and keys to successful breastfeeding. This is a warm personal introduction to the wonderful joys of breastfeeding.

AUDIENCE: Nutritionists Health Clinics General Adult

FORMAT: 21-minute video

Body Trust: Undieting Your Way to Health and Happiness


Get off the diet roller coaster with this video about the nondiet approach to weight. A comprehensive program including testimonials that will help you learn to accept yourself - whatever your size, shape or weight. A caring, sensitive and affirming video that will help you change your eating…and change your life.

AUDIENCE: General Adult Nutritionists

FORMAT: 60-minute video

Child and Nutrition Health Campaign


The American Dietetic Association along with the Kellogg Company and the National Dairy Council developed this campaign to increase awareness of nutrition's effects on a child's ability to learn, develop and stay healthy.

AUDIENCE: Elementary Middle School Food Service Parents

FORMAT: 9-minute video Reproducible handouts Fact sheets

Children and Weight: What Health Professionals Can Do


The purpose of this kit is to provide in-service training for health professionals and others interested in learning more about children and weight. It assumes that individuals participating in the training have a background in health and medical sciences. The individuals conducting the training should have expertise in children's growth and development, the nutritional needs of children and adolescents, sustaining physical activity in children and adolescents, medical risks and complications of childhood obesity and the development of positive body image and high self-esteem in youngsters. Ideally, the full day version of the training will be conducted by a team of trainers.

AUDIENCE: Nutritionists Cooperative Extension Universities

FORMAT: Training kit

"Dear Family" Letters - Spanish Version


The California Nutrition Education and Training Program developed this set of 18 reproducible letters. You can use the letters in a variety of ways. Copy and give them to family members, include them in a site or sponsor newsletter, or use them as handouts in a parent workshop or for addressing special concerns. Each letter offers information on a different topic and some invite families to discuss nutrition issues with their child care providers.

AUDIENCE: Child Care Nutritionists

FORMAT: Reproducible handouts

Diabetes Meal Planning Made Easy


This book uses the American Diabetes Association and the American Dietetics Association Diabetes Food Pyramid to teach an easy way for making healthy food choices and putting healthy meals and snacks together. It offers quick and easy suggestions for eating more fruits and vegetables, trimming fat grams, making realistic changes in eating habits, using the Nutrition Facts on food labels and enjoying eating out.

AUDIENCE: General Adult Adult Day Care

FORMAT: 218-page book

The Don't Diet Live-It Workbook


Written by Andrea LoBue and Marsea Marcus, therapists specializing in eating disorders, this workbook helps people resolve their food, weight and body issues. You'll find in-depth information, moving personal stories and insightful worksheets. Readers take four "Journeys" through such topics as isolation vs. reaching out, thoughts vs. feelings, criticism vs. praise, emotional hunger vs. physical hunger, weight control vs. natural weight, holding on vs. letting go, and diet vs. live-it.

AUDIENCE: Consumers General Adult Nutritionists

FORMAT: 255-page book

Eat Your Way to a Healthy Heart


This book written by Liz Applegate, RD demystifies the current science and hype surrounding food and heart health with its commonsense Simple Six Eating Plan to control high blood pressure and prevent heart disease. Over 100 everyday foods are profiled in an A-to-Z format, featuring the latest scientific secrets that every smart eater needs to know. Eating strategies for coping with everyday situations including food preparation tips, easy-to-follow recipes, supermarket shopping checklists, and important nutrition facts and eating-plan worksheets make this the ultimate guide to healthy heart living.

AUDIENCE: Consumers General Adult Nutritionists

FORMAT: 351-page book

Every Little Bite Counts: Supporting Young Children with Special Needs at Mealtime


The California Department of Education developed this publication that offers easy-to-understand descriptions of many of health conditions and provides nutrition intervention strategies to assist caregivers and families in helping children with special needs have successful and enjoyable mealtimes. Tip sheets offer useful solutions to common feeding and nutrition challenges affecting children's health.

AUDIENCE: Child Care Elementary Parents Food Service

FORMAT: 196-page book

A Garden in Every School Packet


The California Nutrition Education and Training Program developed this information packet which provides schools with start-up information and resources for developing garden-enhanced nutrition education projects. It includes "how-to" materials and ideas for nutrition education materials, garden start-up resources, funding and partnerships.

AUDIENCE: Elementary Middle School Food Service

FORMAT: Reproducible handouts

Healthy Snacks


Straight from the Totline Testing Kitchens come more than 90 new recipes designed to be healthy alternatives. Each recipe is low in fat, sugar and sodium. Great for home or school, these snacks will make your job easier, whether you're a parent, teacher or child care provider. Many recipes meet the requirement of the Child and Adult Care Food Program.

AUDIENCE: Child Care Elementary Parents

FORMAT: 47-page recipe book

Intuitive Eating


Dieting and trying to reshape one's body do not work. This book, written by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch, is a bridge between the anti-dieting movement and the health community. How do you reconcile food issues and still eat in a healthy way while not dieting? Read this book and find out.

AUDIENCE: Consumers General Adult Nutritionists

FORMAT: 286-page book

Intuitive Eating Workshop and Slides


Use these slides, based on the book, Intuitive Eating, to present a series of workshops on living without dieting. Help your audiences make peace with food and still honor healthful eating. Show them how to throw out the guilt but not the food, how to stop body-bashing and say good-bye to dieting forever. The sessions are best when used with small groups over a ten-week period.

AUDIENCE: Nutritionists

FORMAT: 153 slides Workshop script Photo-ready handouts

Learning How to Breastfeed Your Baby: Breastfed is Best Fed


This video developed by the Maryland WIC is designed to inform women about breastfeeding. It addresses the importance of getting a good start, positioning, latching-on and knowing how the baby is getting enough milk. It is a valuable teaching aid for helping new mothers learn how to breastfeed. It also addresses important questions family members have about breastfeeding, especially grandmothers and fathers who have a strong influence on mother's decision to breastfeed.

AUDIENCE: Nutritionists Health Clinics

FORMAT: 14-minute video

Low-Fat Express Complete Deluxe Kit

This nutrition curriculum is simple, relevant and creative. It is research-based, market-tested, innovative and entertaining. It is perfect for limited-literacy clients. The kit comes in a carrying case and includes a nine-lesson curriculum, 23 nutri-teasers, 1-pound fat model, four-artery model, 32 test tubes of fat, low-fat express cookbook, handouts, kitchen gadgets and much more.

AUDIENCE: Middle/High School General Adult Adult Day Care Clinics

FORMAT: Curriculum and visual aids

Mirror, Mirror

Developed by the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, this educational packet is an excellent tool for health professionals that work with 7th through 12th graders who have concerns about their body weight, shape and image. The program aims to help adolescents develop a healthier lifestyle and more positive body image and to reduce their obsession for developing a "perfect" body weight or shape.

AUDIENCE: Nutritionists Middle School High School

FORMAT: Leader's guide Photo-ready handouts

Multicultural Snacks


Food brings people together. Whether for a grand holiday feast or an ordinary weekday dinner, people in every culture gather to share meals. Although the dining circumstances may vary and the foods we eat certainly differ in appearance and flavor, most foods eaten throughout the world have in common the most basic ingredients. Each chapter in this Totline book features a different type of food and provides examples of how it is prepared in different cultures. Children learn best through their senses. By seeing, touching, smelling and tasting foods from near and far, they learn to appreciate diversity.

AUDIENCE: Child Care Elementary Parents

FORMAT: 47-page recipe book

No Time to Train? Lessons on Food Safety and Sanitation


The 5-Star Child Nutrition Task Force prepared this set of 10-minute lessons for training food service staff about the importance of food safety and sanitation. These lessons are designed for cafeteria managers to train food service staff during teachable moments, informally over coffee or other brief meeting time. Much of the material was developed using the Team Nutrition resource, Serving IT Safe: A Manager's Tool Kit.

AUDIENCE: Food Service

FORMAT: 15 Lesson plans



This video reviews the bone-building process; explains the role of calcium, its sources and supplement issues; discusses factors such as gender, age, weight-bearing exercise and smoking; and stresses the need to eat calcium as a teenager and young adult.

AUDIENCE: Middle School High School College

FORMAT: 15-minute video

Osteoporosis: The Myth


More than 28 million Americans, mostly women, are at high risk of developing osteoporosis. Learn how to the disease in this video. See how one woman made a significant change in her diet that has almost erased any evidence of bone loss in her body in just one year. Find out what we can do for children to ensure they don't experience the disease when they grow older.

AUDIENCE: High School College General Adult Adult Day Care

FORMAT: 15-minute video

Secrets of Feeding a Healthy Family


Ellyn Satter's latest book breaks the spell of negativity and fear that permeates our eating. Satter empowers you and inspires you to love your favorite foods and to teach your children to do the same. This book helps you past the barriers of getting a meal on the table and eating it. The first four chapters tell you about the "problem with our eating" and encourage you to provide for yourself with food, joyfully and positively. Recipes offer background notes such as "fast tips," "children in the kitchen" and "why it is all right to eat bacon." Singles and older couples, as well as young families will benefit from this book.

AUDIENCE: Consumers General Adult Nutritionists

FORMAT: 225-page book

Stealth Health


Evelyn Tribole, RD teaches you how to spot your nutrition problems at a glance and learn how to eat right in spite of yourself. This book helps you sneak nutrition into your diet where you need it most. Chuckle through chapters like "Vegetable Kingdom" for vegetable haters, "Calcium Quota" for the milk miser and "Iron Men and Maidens" for the ironless and more. Includes nutritional analyses for the 100 recipes.

AUDIENCE: Consumers General Adult Nutritionists

FORMAT: 240-page book

Super Snacks


This Totline book is filled with recipes that are easy to prepare using common ingredients and utensils. The recipes require no sugar, honey or artificial sweeteners. The recipes are seasonally appropriate so they can be a learning experience as well as a fun time for young children.

AUDIENCE: Child Care Elementary Parents

FORMAT: 47-page recipe book

Teaching Snacks


Snacktime is a natural time for extending learning and the recipes in this Totline book make it easy for you to do that. Using the book's nine different topic areas, ranging from shapes to colors to cooperation, you will find fun and easy ways to encourage your children's learning during snacktime. Each snack recipe also includes ideas for having your children help prepare the snack. Working together provides a great opportunity to talk about and practice good hygiene and food safety.

AUDIENCE: Child Care Elementary Parents

FORMAT: 47-page recipe book

Travel the World Cookbook


This book introduces children to 60 recipes from around the world. Each recipe (10 per continent) includes: kitchen tools needed, ingredients, directions for food preparation and an interesting food fact, as well as a cultural fact and activity. Kids cook everything from Japanese Teriyaki Chicken Wings to New Orleans Bread Pudding.

AUDIENCE: Elementary Parents

FORMAT: 136-page book

Tyler's Herbs of Choice


Tyler and Robbers have updated and expanded this new book as interest soars in herbal remedies. They cut through the folklore and hype surrounding the use of phytochemicals to provide consumers with the direction they need to make safe and healthy use of therapeutic herbs. With an easy-to-follow breakdowns of how herbal remedies are used to treat a variety of aliments from digestive problems to nervous disorders, you'll find this title not only educational but also enjoyable to read.

AUDIENCE: Consumers General Adult Nutritionists

FORMAT: 287-page book

Vitamins, Herbs, Minerals & Supplements


If you take any kind of supplement or work with clientele who do, this handy, up-to-date reference written by H. Winter Griffin, MD is for you. You'll learn the latest information on medicinal herbs and their use, vitamin and mineral supplements and the Daily Values from USDA. You'll understand how supplements, herbs and other substances interact, recognize deficiency and toxicity symptoms and explore the natural sources of disease-preventing phytochemicals in everyday foods.

AUDIENCE: Consumers General Adult Nutritionists

FORMAT: 504-page book

Working SAFE: Accident Prevention in Child Nutrition Programs


The National Food Service Management Institute developed this training module that features lessons on the prevention of falls and lifting injuries, fires and burns, cuts and chemical accidents.

AUDIENCE: Food Service

FORMAT: 17-minute video Lesson plans Activities Handouts


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