1998 Catalog
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1999 Supplement - General



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1% Or Less for Primary and Secondary Schools


The Center for Science in the Public Interest developed this kit to help you conduct an 1% Or Less campaign in your schools. There are two parts – "Getting Started" and "Materials". The first part tells you how to conduct a campaign and the second provides all the materials. Materials help you educate and motivate your students to choose low-fat or fat-free (skim) milk. The kits include a variety of activities for primary and secondary schools to allow you to develop a program that best suits the needs of your school.

AUDIENCE: Students Parents Teachers Food Service Personnel Community

FORMAT: Lesson plans/campaign materials

5 a Day Power Play: Community Youth Organization Idea and Resource Kit


Developed by the California Children’s 5 a Day-Power Play! Campaign, this kit is designed for use with 9, 10 and 11 year old children. This kit can be used to help teach kids about healthful eating using fun, simple and flexible activities. There are 12 activities that can be used in any order. It is easy to incorporate the ideas in the kit into daily activities.

AUDIENCE: Youth Organization Leaders

FORMAT: Resource book

All Star Receiving for Child Nutrition


The 1998 Breakfast Lunch (BLT) module focuses on proper receiving procedures essential to well-managed Child Nutrition Programs. A 15-minute video with five lessons and copy-ready handout materials are designed to be used by the manager for teaching staff on procedures for food quality and freshness, food safety and customer satisfaction.

AUDIENCE: Food Service Personnel

FORMAT: 15 minute video/lesson plans/reproducible handouts

The American Dietetic Association Guide to Women’s Nutrition for Healthy Living


This up-beat, consumer friendly book is a woman’s complete guide to eating right – from basic nutrition to disease prevention to lifelong health. It allows women to develop a plan for eating healthfully and enjoyably during every stage of life. It also encourages women to set realistic, individual goals through small changes while still enjoying convenience foods, lifestyle flexibility and the pleasure of eating. Important information on the role of nutrition in common diseases of women – breast cancer, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and obesity is included. Sound advice, practical charts and extensive resources and references make this an important book for all dietitians and their women clients.

AUDIENCE: Nutritionists General Adult Health Clinics College

FORMAT: 238 page book

Anemia: The Silent Shadow


This video is for those who suspect they may have or have been diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia. Iron deficiency is defined to the viewer in easy-to-understand terms and symptoms to look for are presented. The program clearly shows that at risk of being iron deficient and provides specific nutritional guidelines to follow for infants, mothers, teenagers and pregnant women. The importance of folic acid is reviewed and viewers learn how deficiency of folic acid can sometimes coincide with iron deficiency. Recipe and cooking ideas to ensure iron intake are provided as well.

AUDIENCE: General Adult Health Clinics High School/College

FORMAT: 12 minute video

Baby It’s You


Figuring out how, when and what to feed a baby can be confusing. This program, narrated in part from a baby’s point of view, relieves the confusion by helping new mothers understand the role that good nutrition plays in their baby’s health. Introducing solids, vegetables, meats, whole milk and appropriate finger foods is simplified for viewers. The benefits of breastfeeding are covered as well, helping first-time moms understand the significant role they play in their baby’s nutritional health. Excellent for clinic waiting rooms and prenatal classes.

AUDIENCE: Health Clinics

FORMAT: 13 minute video

Being Vegetarian


For vegetarians and anyone considering a vegetarian eating style, this book provides the information needed to eat healthful meals centered around plant foods. An easy-to-understand explanation of essential nutrients with examples of plant food sources is provided. Also included are valuable tips on menu planning, replacing meat and dairy foods, grocery shopping and dining out.

AUDIENCE: Nutritionists General Adult Health Clinics High School/College

FORMAT: 134 page book

Cafeteria Connections – Linking the Classroom and Cafeteria


The Utah Child Nutrition Program developed this guide for use by cafeteria managers. It is designed to make Child Nutrition staff a part of nutrition education in the school. The materials and activities correlate with classroom activities. The kit contains a series of "packets" – one for each month of the school year. Each packet contains general information, a brief overview of what is taught in the classroom, bulletin board ideas, a newsletter to be sent home and promotional ideas for the cafeteria.

AUDIENCE: School Foodservice

FORMAT: Activities/handouts

Calcium in Your Life


Calcium is essential for life, not only for infants, growing children, teenagers and pregnant women, but for all adults. This guide covers why and how you can increase your intake of calcium, offering recipes, menus and supplement advice. It also covers risk factors for osteoporosis and special needs for special populations such as vegans, dieting teenagers, kids who don’t like milk and adults with lactose intolerance.

AUDIENCE: Nutritionists General Adult Health Clinics High School/College

FORMAT: 155 page book

Carbohydrates: What You Need to Know


Part of the American Dietetic Association’s Nutrition Now Series. Here’s a book that will clear up the confusion about carbohydrates. What are they? Why do we need them? How do carbohydrates affect weight, mood and physical performance? And what foods are sources of carbohydrates? This book will help consumers understand the role of carbohydrates in diet and health and guide them in planning a healthful diet.

AUDIENCE: General Adult Health Clinics College/High School

FORMAT: 75 page book

Changing the Course: School Foodservice Manual


The American Cancer Society revised its 1991 version of this curriculum to incorporate the Food Guide Pyramid and 1995 Dietary Guidelines. This manual is intended to help school food service personnel serve high-quality meals to their customers, build student participation in the school cafeteria program to remain self-supporting and help young people to achieve a low-fat, high-fiber eating style. The manual contains a series of short, 20-30 minute training programs to use with food service staff to encourage them to adopt healthier food preparation techniques.

AUDIENCE: Food Service Personnel

FORMAT: 46 page manual

Childhood Obesity: Lily Faces a Problem


Six-year old Janelle is putting on extra weight. By concentrating on improving nutrition rather than counting calories, Lily, her mother, comes up with new ideas for satisfying meals and snacks, and stresses the importance of physical activity. She also cautions that concern over children’s weight should never diminish their sense of being loved and appreciated by their parents. This video’s upbeat ending affirms Lily’s respect for her daughter’s individuality – regardless of the scale.

AUDIENCE: Parents Health Clinics General Adult Child Care

FORMAT: 13 minute video

Cooking a World of New Tastes


USDA developed this "cooking show" for school nutrition service personnel. These videos explore innovative and creative approaches to the production of healthy, tasty and attractive foods with the school meals programs, with an emphasis on enhancing culinary skills. The kit offers professional chefs’ tips for preparing a selection of USDA’s ethnically diverse recipes. The video segments were designed with the convenience of the school nutrition service professional in mind. They can be shown on staff breaks or during a local managers’ or district food service training program.

AUDIENCE: Food Service Personnel

FORMAT: Video training series

Dementia: The Power of Nutrition in Caregiving


Developed by Montana Alzheimer’s Demonstration Project, this kit contains everything you need to do a 45-minute presentation on dementia and nutrition. It includes a 12-minute video, photo-ready handouts and overheads. There is also a promotional flyer to be posted prior to the program and a step-by-step presentation guide.

AUDIENCE: Adult Day Care

FORMAT: Video/handouts/overheads

Eating for Less: Lily Gets Her Money’s Worth


Realizing that money is tighter than ever, Lily decides to return to the basics of shopping and food preparation to make ends meet. This informative program follows Lily to the grocery store where she makes wise choices that provide her with the highest nutritional value for her grocery dollar. Viewers follow her step by step as Lily shops for staples, searchers for best values and saves money by purchasing non-brand name products. Back at home, Lily prepares a week’s worth of meals and offers helpful tips. Viewers will learn excellent money-saving tips from this informational program.

AUDIENCE: Parents Health Clinics General Adult

FORMAT: 13 minute video

Eat Well, Stay Well with Parkinson’s Disease


Written by Kathrynne Holden, a registered dietitian and gerontological nutritionist, who has completed a pilot study on nutrition and Parkinson’s disease and counsels people with the disease. The author has an understanding of the unique nutrition needs in Parkinson’s disease. Her aim is to provide people with the disease the knowledge they need to help prevent nutrition-related hospitalizations, make optimum use of levodopa and maintain an independent lifestyle.

AUDIENCE: Adult Day Care Health Clinics Nutritionists

FORMAT: 161 page book


Enhancing Food Flavor with Herbs and Spices


Part of the American Dietetic Association’s Nutrition Skills Series. Highlights the health benefits of reducing sodium intake and shows how to use the rich array of flavorful herbs and spices in recipes and at the table.

AUDIENCE: General Adult Health Clinics

FORMAT: 14 minute video and guidebook for instructional use


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