1998 Catalog - General
Page 2 (C-E) Page 3 (F-G) Page 4 (H-M) Page 5 (N-Z) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z The Activity Pyramid Overhead Transparency Institute for Research and Education HealthSystem ©1996Full color transparency. Designed to encourage everyone to add more activity to their everyday lives. AUDIENCE: HIGH SCHOOL GENERAL ADULT HEALTH CLINICS NUTRITIONISTS PHYSICAL ED. INSTRUCTORFORMAT: TRANSPARENCYAdolescent Nutrition : Assessment and Management Chapman & Hall ©1996 Vaughn I. RickertA comprehensive nutritional reference in the area of adolescent health. It focuses on the nutritional requirements that are unique to this developmental period (12-21 years), clinically useful assessment strategies, and management strategies to enhance the nutritional status of adolescents. Sections cover general issues and developmental factors, such as exercise and contraception; competitive athletics; diets; psychosocial concerns, including body image and behavior change; chronic illness, including HIV and AIDS; and nutritional assessment and management strategies for surgical procedures, including organ transplants and plastic surgery. A special feature of the book is the inclusion of a case illustration in every chapter that summarizes clinical considerations. AUDIENCE: NUTRITIONISTS TEACHERS HEALTH CLINICS COLLEGE STUDENTSFORMAT: 677P. BOOKAfraid To Eat : Children and Teens in Weight Crisis Healthy Weight Journal ©1997 Frances M. BergThis new report offers the latest statistics on youth prevalence of obesity, physical activity, fear of fat, dieting behavior and eating disorders. Suggestions are made for more sensitive treatment, overall well-being of children, family-based child programs, good lifetime health habits, and the prevention of eating disorders. AUDIENCE: NUTRITIONISTS TEACHERS, PARENTS GENERAL ADULTFORMAT: 299P. BOOKThe African-American Child's Heritage Cookbook Sandcastle Publishing ©1993 Vanessa Roberts ParhamThis celebration of black heritage features a wide range of dishes especially designed for children to make with the help of an adult. The more than 200 recipes collected here include examples of traditional Southern cooking (fried green tomatoes), soul food (chitterlings), healthier updates of soul food dished (oven-fried catfish), Caribbean cooking (callaloo), and more. This large print, large format book also contains sections on African-American celebrations, cooking safety, the culinary contribution of George Washington Carver, and a glossary of cooking terms. AUDIENCE: ELEMENTARY CHILD CARE PROVIDERS/SPONSORS PARENTS TEACHERSFORMAT: 289P. BOOKAll About Calcium National Health Video ©1996This video covers bone and teeth structure, muscle and nerve function, best sources of dietary calcium, role of supplements, special needs of children and adolescents, pregnant and nursing women, osteoporosis (including risk factors), and interaction with other minerals such as phosphorous. Includes a teaching resource package consisting of reproducible learning objectives, activity suggestions, before and after quizzes, and answer sheet with explanation.AUDIENCE: HIGH SCHOOL UPPER ELEMENTARY HEALTH CLINICS PARENTS GENERAL ADULTFORMAT: 12 MINUTE VIDEO TEACHING RESOURCE PACKAGEAll About Carbohydrates National Health Video ©1996This video presents nutritional differences between simple and complex carbohydrates, refutes sugar myths such as hyperactivity and addiction, stresses advantages of complex carbohydrates, and demonstrates dishes such as vegetable rice and pasta primavera. Includes a teaching resource package consisting of reproducible learning objectives, activity suggestions, before and after quizzes, and answer sheet with explanation. AUDIENCE: UPPER ELEMENTARY HIGH SCHOOL HEALTH CLINICS PARENTS GENERAL ADULTFORMAT: 16 MINUTE VIDEO TEACHING RESOURCE PACKAGEAll About Fiber National Health Video ©1996This video explains the role of soluble and insoluble fiber, describes ways to augment fiber intake, how to read labels for fiber information, and features a demonstration of two simple fiber dishes. Includes a teaching resource package consisting of reproducible learning objectives, activity suggestions, before and after quizzes, and answer sheet with explanation. AUDIENCE: UPPER ELEMENTARY HIGH SCHOOL GENERAL ADULT HEALTH CLINICS PARENTSFORMAT: 16 MINUTE VIDEO TEACHING RESOURCE PACKAGEAll About Iron National Health Video ©1996This video discusses the best food sources for iron; role of supplements; iron - deficiency anemia; special needs of women, children, and pregnant women; heme and non-heme iron; and iron toxicity. Includes a teaching resource package consisting of reproducible learning objectives, activity suggestions, before and after quizzes, and answer sheet with explanation. AUDIENCE: UPPER ELEMENTARY HIGH SCHOOL HEALTH CLINICS PARENTS GENERAL ADULTFORMAT: 11 MINUTE VIDEO TEACHING RESOURCE PACKAGEAll About Protein National Health Video ©1996This video explains the structure and function of protein, including discussion of essential amino acids, how much do we need and how much do we get, role in sports diet, issues regarding protein as a diet and energy food, and reducing fat associated with protein foods. Includes a teaching resource package consisting of reproducible learning objectives, activity suggestions, before and after quizzes, and answer sheet explanation. AUDIENCE: UPPER ELEMENTARY HIGH SCHOOL HEALTH CLINICS PARENTS GENERAL ADULTFORMAT: 14 MINUTE VIDEO TEACHING RESOURCE PACKAGEAll U Can Eat : Make It Fast!, Make It Cheap!, Make It Delicious! Princeton Review Publishing ©1996 Lela NargiA cookbook that comes to the rescue of students and twentysomethings living on their own with a humorous collection of simple recipes and practical advice designed to coach beginning chefs beyond pop-tarts and cold spaghetti-os. For the truly clueless, there's plenty of basic advice about shopping for and storing food, rankings of favorites, and tips for making a fine cup of coffee. AUDIENCE: COLLEGE STUDENTS GENERAL ADULTFORMAT: 207P. BOOKAm I Fat? : Helping Young Children Accept Differences in Body Size ETR Associates ©1992 Joanne IkedaYoung children (up to age ten) are extremely sensitive to weight issues, and this guide for teachers, parents, school nurses, and other caregivers provides ideas for communicating with kids about size diversity, teasing, body image, and self-esteem. It includes realistic case studies, nutrition guidelines, classroom activities, and suggestions for physical activities. AUDIENCE: TEACHERS PARENTS SCHOOL NURSES CHILD CARE PROVIDERS/SPONSORSFORMAT: 117P. BOOKThe American Dietetic Association's Complete Food and Nutrition Guide Chronimed Publishing ©1996 Roberta Larson DuyffA comprehensive and easy-to-use book that lists scientific facts and shows how to translate them into healthy food choices that fit any lifestyle. Filled with practical tips and guidelines for all ages-from choosing the healthiest baby food to eating well in golden years. AUDIENCE: GENERAL ADULT NUTRITIONISTS COLLEGE STUDENT HEALTH CLINICS TEACHERSFORMAT: 619P. BOOKAmerican Food Habits in Historical Perspective Praeger Publisher ©1995 Elaine N. McIntoshUsing dietary information and other pertinent facts, the author assesses the nutritional status of Americans during each historical period. Special emphasis is given to American dietary patterns from the landfall of Columbus to the colonial period, the revolutionary period, the New Republic, and the 20th century. Four categories of American food are identified and analyzed : mainstream cuisine, regional cooking, "regional phenomena" (including ethnic foods), and "Pop" foods. The overview concludes with the finding that, despite delightful differences, there are striking similarities in food habits across time and cultures. By providing increased insights and understanding of contemporary American eating patterns, this book will be a substantive addition to existing texts. AUDIENCE: NUTRITIONISTS TEACHERS COLLEGE STUDENTFORMAT: 251P. BOOKAmy Spangler's Breastfeeding A Parent's Guide ©1995 Amy SpanglerClear, concise and easy-to-read, a practical step-by-step guide for today's parents..parents who wonder if breastfeeding will work in thier busy lives. AUDIENCE: PREGNANT AND NEW MOMS PARENTSFORMAT: 110P. BOOKAnorexia Nervosa : Finding the Life Line CompCare Publishers ©1986 Patricia M. SteinThis simple and direct book (for teens and up) offers an intimate point of view of several recovered anorexics. Included is basic information on causes, incidence, effects, treatment, overviews by a psychiatrist and an endocrinologist, and suggestions for prevention. AUDIENCE: HIGH SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOLFORMAT: 93P. BOOKThe Anthropologists' Cookbook Universe Books ©1977 Jessica Kuper, EditorMore than a mere roll-call of remarkable recipes, this book provides a feast of insights into the varied phenomena of intercultrual cuisine, ranging from an examination of the significance of specific dishes, through general discussions concerning the preparation of food in a particular culture, to an analysis of symbolic and structural significance of food and eating. Includes cultural delights from: Europe, The Middle East, Africa, The Americas and the West Indies, South-East Asia, Ceylon, Japan, The Pacific and Australia. AUDIENCE: HIGH SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL GENERAL ADULTSFORMAT: 230P. BOOKPage 2 (C-E) Page 3 (F-G) Page 4 (H-M) Page 5 (N-Z) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z The Best Breakfast Learning Seed ©1995A realistic and informative evaluation of the balanced breakfast, this video analyzes typical breakfast; coffee and donuts; fast food; the "hearty" breakfast of bacon and eggs. Explaining that foods rich in protein and complex carbohydrates are best to start the day, the program suggests that students experiment with such nutritious but non traditional breakfast foods as leftover spaghetti, pizza, and stir-fry. Skipping breakfast is also discussed. Demonstrates how to find a breakfast cereal with solid nutritional value. The guide includes a summary of the program's key points, a quiz, reproducible handouts, and ideas for appealing wholesome, easy-to-make breakfasts. AUDIENCE: MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT GENERAL ADULTFORMAT: 22 MINUTE VIDEO 10 PAGE GUIDEBOOKBestfeeding: Getting Breastfeeding Right for You Celestial Arts ©1990 Mary RenfrewA clear, basic guide for women-how to get breastfeeding right and solve problems, with accurate information and pictures. AUDIENCE: PREGNANT AND NEW MOMS PARENTSFORMAT: 225P. BOOKBetter Homes and Gardens New Junior Cookbook Better Homes and Gardens Books ©1989 Gerald M. Knox : editorWritten and designed to appeal to eight-to-twelve-year-old children who are just beginning to cook on their own as well as those who have some cooking experience. Every one of the more than 50 recipes is kid-tested and tasted in the Better Home and Gardens Test Kitchens. AUDIENCE: ELEMENTARY MIDDLE SCHOOL CHILD CARE PROVIDERS/SPONSORS PARENTSFORMAT: 80P. BOOKBetter Homes and Gardens Step-By-Step Kids' Cook Book Better Homes and Gardens ©1984This cookbook starts out with very simple recipes for kids and then progresses to harder recipes. How-to photographs are included with each recipe along with step-by-step instructions. Hints for the cook and how-to measure sections are included. By the end of this book, kids will have learned and practiced many cooking basics. AUDIENCE: ELEMENTARY CHILD CARE PROVIDERS/SPONSORS PARENTSFORMAT: 96P. BOOKBetty Crocker's Cooking with Kids Macmillan, A Simon & Schuster Macmillan Company ©1995 Betty CrockerCalling all Kids! This cookbook means fun in the kitchen with delicious results. From Homemade Granola Bars to Dinosaur Calzones, One-Pot Spaghetti to Oh-So-Chocolate Brownies, these are the foods kids love to cook. Tested by kids in their own homes, the recipes are easy to make, and they taste great. AUDIENCE: ELEMENTARY CHILD CARE PROVIDERS/SPONSORS PARENTSFORMAT: 176P. BOOKThe Big Red How-To-Guide : Planning a Health Fair for Children and Families National health and Education Consortium 1996 Christina A. FoleyCommunity health fairs usually focus on adult health issues and seldom on child and family health or the link between health and education. This guide's purpose is to assist communities in developing child and family-focused health fairs. The guide is divided into two major sections: pre-planning and planning. The pre-planning section covers steps that must be taken before planning a community health fair, covering aspects such as community assessment, community task force, target audience, mission statement, and timeline. The planning section includes a discussion on financing, exhibitors, location, and promotion. AUDIENCE: NUTRITIONISTS HEALTH EDUCATORS COMMUNITY TEACHERSFORMAT: 81P. BOOKThe Breakfast Place J. Weston Walch ©1993 Lee HamillDevelopmentally disabled students get real work experience and develop important social skills when their classroom becomes a take-out restaurant. As students from other classes buy breakfast, one "employee" prepares toaster pops while another makes change. A third delivers an order of coffee and muffins to the guidance office. This resource presents complete instructions, pointers, and check lists, along with 87 pages of reproducible forms- from inventory sheets and self-evaluation forms to gift certificates and paychecks. AUDIENCE: DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED STUDENTSFORMAT: 128P. BOOKBreakfast: Lily Changes A Habit ©1993 Lily learns the important nutritional benefits of eating breakfast. Appropriate examples of what adults and children should eat are presented in relation to the USDA Food Pyramid. AUDIENCE: CHILD CARE PROVIDER/SPONSORS PARENTS HEALTH CLINICS GENERAL ADULTFORMAT: 11 MINUTE VIDEOBreastfeeding and Human Lactation Jones and Bartlett Publishers ©1993 Jan RiordanThis book represents more than 50 years of the authors' combined clinical experiences. A book that brings together in a single resource both clinical techniques and research findings. There is also a study guide designed to accompany this text. AUDIENCE: PHYSICIAN NURSES HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALFORMAT: 693P. BOOKBreastfeeding and Human Lactation: Study Guide Jones and Bartlett Publishers Internation ©1993 Kathleen G. AuerbachStudy Guide for breastfeeding and human lactation. Practice for the lactation certification exam and test your knowledge by working through the questions keyed to chapters in the companion textbook. AUDIENCE: HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS NURSES PHYSICIANSFORMAT: 149P. BOOKBreastfeeding Educator Program 1995 Debi Leslie BocarThe Breastfeeding Educator Program is a comprehensive, basic education program designed to prepare health care providers to assist breastfeeding families in usual situations. The program was originally developed for hospital-based nurses and childbirth educators. It is easily adaptable to health departments with dietitians, nutritionists, and social workers. AUDIENCE: NUTRITIONISTS DIETITIANS NURSES CHILDBIRTH EDUCATORSFORMAT: 530 PAGE RESOURCE NOTEBOOKBreastfeeding Peer Counselor Programs For North Carolina WIC Programs 1997 North Carolina Department of Health and Natural ResourcesThis manual will assist staff in planning, developing and implementing breastfeeding peer counseling programs. The information is presented with the expectation that the breastfeeding peer counselor program will be located in the local health agencies serving the same population that uses the WIC Program services. It is, therefore, written with the expectation that all pregnant and breastfeeding women who use the services of the agencies will also have access to the breastfeeding peer counselor programs. AUDIENCE: NUTRITIONISTS NURSES LACTATION CONSULTANTS W.I.C. PROGRAMFORMAT: TRAINING MANUALBreastfeeding Success For Working Mothers National Capital Rsources, Inc. ©1985 Marilyn GramsIf you work and are having a baby, you need this book! Working mothers can breastfeed without giving up their freedom. Many tips for easy enjoyable breastfeeding. AUDIENCE: PREGNANT AND NEW MOMS PARENTSFORMAT: 156P. BOOKBreastfeeding Your Baby Georgia Department of Human Resources This video is designed to educate new moms on the benefits, techniques, and experience of breastfeeding. Such questions as how to involve other family members and going back to work are discussed. AUDIENCE: PARENTS PREGNANT WOMANFORMAT: 13:27 MINUTE VIDEOBreastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession Mosby-Year Book, Inc. ©1994 Ruth LawrenceThis book was written in an effort to provide the medical profession with an easily accessible reference for the clinical management of the mother-infant nursing couple. AUDIENCE: NURSE PHYSICIAN HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALFORMAT: 878P. BOOKBuilding Your Activity Pyramid Institute for Research and Education HealthSystem ©1996An interactive guidebook designed to encourage everyone to add more activity to their everyday lives. Includes self-assessment and goal setting work sheets and how to recover from temporary set backs. A management, stress management, cholesterol, or blood pressure program. AUDIENCE: HIGH SCHOOL GENERAL ADULT HEALTH CLINICS NUTRITIONISTS PHYSICAL ED. INSTRUCTORFORMAT: GUIDEBOOK LESSON PLANSPage 2 (C-E) Page 3 (F-G) Page 4 (H-M) Page 5 (N-Z) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Home | 1998 Catalog | Supplement 1 | Supplement 2 | Supplement 3 |