Below you will find links to additional nutrition and physical activity resources. provides links to related sites only as a courtesy to our Internet readers. makes no claim as to the accuracy of any information presented on other Internet sites and is not responsible for their content. You may click on a category listed below or scroll down to see all links.
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Afterschool Program
Afterschool Resource Center
The Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) maintains an Afterschool Resource Center with information on funding, reimbursements and model programs.
Child and Adult Care Food Program
Community-based programs that offer enrichment activities for at-risk children and teenagers, after the regular school day ends, can provide free snacks through the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Programs must be offered in areas where at least fifty percent of the children are eligible for free and reduced price meals based upon school data.
Move More Afterschool Standards
The Move More North Carolina: Recommended Standards for After-School Physical Activity can be used as a guide to create practices, policies and environments supportive of physical activity in after-school programs across the state.
National School Lunch Program
The National School Lunch Program offers reimbursement to help schools serve snacks to children in afterschool activities aimed at promoting the health and well-being of children and youth in our communities. A fact sheet and frequently asked questions on this program are available.
21st Century Learning Centers
21st Century Learning Centers provide academic enrichment opportunities during non-school hours for children, particularly students who attend high-poverty and low-performing schools. The program helps students meet state and local student standards in core academic subjects, such as reading and math; offers students a broad array of enrichment activities that can complement their regular academic programs; and offers literacy and other educational services to the families of participating children. provides interactive tools and other resources to help youth-serving organizations and community partnerships plan, implement, and participate in effective programs for youth.
Farm to School
Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project
The Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project (ASAP) helps create and expand local food markets that will preserve agricultural heritage; give everyone access to fresh, healthy food; and keep farmers farming. ASAP serves as the southeast regional lead agency for the National Farm to School Network.
Carolina Farm Stewardship Association
The mission of the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association (CFSA) is to promote sustainable agriculture by inspiring, educating and organizing farmers and consumers. CFSA publishes a local food guide to connect consumers and neighbors to healthy food and farms.
Center for Environmental Farming Systems
North Carolina State University and North Carolina A&T State University established the Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS) with the North Carolina Department of Agriculture. These partners work closely with state and federal agencies, non-governmental organizations, farmers, and citizens to provide agricultural research, extension, and education for the state.
FoodCorps is a non-profit national service organization that seeks to reverse childhood obesity by increasing vulnerable children's knowledge of, engagement with, and access to healthy food. The centerpiece is an AmeriCorps public service program that recruits young leaders for a year of service in high-obesity, limited-resource communities of need. Service members build and tend school gardens, conduct hands-on nutrition education, and facilitate Farm to School programming that brings high quality local food into public schools.
From Farm to Fork: A Guide to Building North Carolina’s Sustainable, Local Food Economy
The intent of From Farm to Fork: A Guide to Building North Carolina’s Sustainable Local Food Economy is to provide key action ideas for building a sustainable food economy in North Carolina at the state and local levels. Implementation of the recommended action steps will lead to significant economic development, stewardship of natural and agricultural resources, and better health and nutrition for all North Carolina residents.
Local Harvest
The Local Harvest Web site provides a definitive and reliable "living" public nationwide directory of small farms, farmers markets, and other local food sources. The search engine helps consumers find products from family farms and local sources of sustainably grown food and encourages them to establish direct contact with small farms in their local area.
National Farm to School Network
Farm to School programs connect schools with local farms with the objectives of serving healthy meals in school cafeterias, improving student nutrition, providing health and nutrition education opportunities that will last a lifetime, and supporting local small farmers.
N.C. Farm to School
The N.C. Farm to School program Web site, from the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, serves as a resource for child nutrition directors, teachers, parents and students who may be seeking information about nutrition, agriculture facts, classroom activities and field trip opportunities.
N.C. Farm Fresh
The N.C. Farm Fresh Web site, from the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, is a directory of pick-your-own farms, roadside farm markets, and farmers markets throughout the state. It is designed to help the consumer, find the freshest locally grown fruits, vegetables, plants, and herbs.
N.C. Fresh Link
The N.C. Fresh Link Web site, from the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (NCDA & CS), provides access to the N.C. Fruit and Vegetable Shippers Directory, contact information for the NCDA & CS marketing team, the N.C. Fresh Link newsletter and a produce availability chart.
USDA Farm to School
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) considers Farm to School to be inclusive of many types of producers, e.g., farmers, ranchers, and fishermen, as well as many types of food businesses, e.g., food processors, manufacturers, distributors and other value-added operations. In addition to procurement activities, farm to school incorporates food, agriculture and nutrition-based educational efforts with standards-based curriculum centered on food, agriculture, and/or nutrition and hands-on experiential activities, such as school gardens, field trips to local farms, and cooking classes.
Food Safety
Food Code
The Food Code published by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is a model for safeguarding public health and ensuring food is unadulterated and honestly presented when offered to the consumer.
It’s a SNAP
Healthy Schools, Healthy People - It's a SNAP (School Network for Absenteeism Prevention) is a hands-on initiative for middle schools that is designed to help keep students in school and learning by improving overall health through promoting clean hands. SNAP offers a downloadable educational toolkit; video; poster; display; templates for stickers, postcards and a certificate; and links to additional resources.
North Carolina Public Health Environmental Health Section Rules
The N.C. Division of Environmental Health protects the health of the public by developing standards, reviewing plans and monitoring enforcement of food-handling facilities.
North Carolina Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
The Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act is the law that provides the framework used to uniformly administer programs designed to assure consumers in North Carolina that foods, drugs, devices, and cosmetics are safe, wholesome, unadulterated, properly labeled, registered, manufactured, stored, and distributed in a manner that ensures their safety and efficacy to consumers and the environment.
Ounce of Prevention
The Ounce of Prevention campaign, created by the National Center for Infectious Diseases of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, provides resources in English and Spanish about hand washing, cleaning and disinfection. Food
This site is provided as a resource for federal recalls, including those from the Food and Drug Administration and the United States Department of Agriculture, which share responsibility for food safety.
Scrub Club®
The Scrub Club® program, from the National Sanitation Foundation, is a fun, interactive and educational Web site that teaches children the proper way to wash their hands. The site consists of a Webisode, interactive games, educational music, downloadable activities for kids, educational materials for teachers, and program information for parents.
Wash Your Hands: Educating the School Community
Wash Your Hands: Educating the School Community from the Institute of Child Nutrition features a booklet of classroom activities, hand washing posters in English and Spanish, a 4-minute video illustrating when and how proper hand-washing is done, and a video viewing guide.
Local Wellness Policy
Action for Healthy Kids
Action for Healthy Kids (AFHK) is a nationwide initiative dedicated to improving the health and educational performance of children through better nutrition and physical activity in schools. This effort represents a response to our nation's epidemic of overweight, sedentary, and undernourished children and adolescents. Healthy schools produce healthy students - and healthy students are better able to learn and achieve their true potential.
Alliance for a Healthier Generation
The Alliance for a Healthier Generation, a partnership between the American Heart Association and the William J. Clinton Foundation, provides resources for schools to create environments that support healthy eating and physical activity for students.
American School Health Association
The mission of the American School Health Association (ASHA) is to build the capacity of its members to plan, develop, coordinate, implement, evaluate, and advocate for effective school health strategies that contribute to optimal health and academic outcomes for all children and youth.
Bridging the Gap – Research Informing Policies and Practices for Healthy Youth
The Local Wellness Policies: School District Strategies for Improving Children’s Health report presents data on the most comprehensive review of school district wellness policies conducted to date. Researchers evaluated policies related to nutrition education, school meals, competitive food and beverage guidelines, physical activity, physical education, food and beverage marketing in schools, and evaluation strategies for the school years 2006-07 and 2007-08, the first two years of the wellness policy requirement.
CDC Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH)
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH) provides data, health resources and assessment tools to help prevent the most serious health risks among children, adolescents and young adults.
Fuel Up to Play 60
The National Dairy Council has partnered with the National Football League to help students eat right and stay active with Fuel Up to Play 60. Schools using the student-led Fuel Up to Play 60 program can help inspire kids to "get up and play" for 60 minutes a day and to "fuel up" with the nutrient rich foods.
Leadership for Healthy Communities
Leadership for Healthy Communities is a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation designed to support local and state government leaders nationwide in their efforts to reduce childhood obesity through public policies that promote active living, healthy eating and access to healthy foods. The Action Strategies Toolkit provides examples of policy approaches to improve children's health such as increasing access to parks and recreation centers and offering healthier foods in schools.
National Association of State Boards of Education
The National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE) is the national private association representing all state and territorial boards of education. NASBE's goal is to encourage safe, healthy, and nurturing school environments for all of the nation's children and youth.
National Alliance for Nutrition and Activity
The National Alliance for Nutrition and Activity (NANA) advocates for national policies and programs that promote healthy eating and physical activity to help reduce the illnesses, disabilities, premature deaths, and costs caused by diet- and inactivity-related diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity. The Web site offers model nutrition and physical activity policies.
N.C. Action for Healthy Kids
The mission of North Carolina Action for Healthy Kids (NCAFHK) is to improve children's nutrition and physical activity in schools by collaborating with diverse stakeholders in advocating, promoting and implementing national and state initiatives. NCAFHK’s primary work focuses on implementing Local Wellness Policies in North Carolina schools through the implementation of the Successful Students Eat Smart and Move More campaign.
N.C. Communities in Schools
North Carolina Communities in Schools (CIS) helps kids stay in school and prepare for life. Visit the Web site for resources, newsletters and upcoming events.
NCDPI Child Nutrition Services
The Child Nutrition Services section in the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction provides wellness policy training, technical assistance and monitoring for Local Education Agencies (LEAs).
N.C. Healthy Schools
The goal of North Carolina Healthy Schools is to create a working infrastructure between education and health to enable schools and communities to create a coordinated school health program (CSHP). N.C. Healthy Schools provides resources, tools and policies that support a CSHP.
N.C. Parent Teacher Association
The North Carolina Parent Teacher Association (PTA) works to encourage parent and public involvement in the schools.
School Health Index
The School Health Index (SHI), from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is a detailed self-assessment that schools can use to improve their health and safety policies and programs. The assessment addresses physical activity, nutrition, tobacco prevention needs and safety-related behaviors.
School Nutrition Association
The School Nutrition Association (SNA) is a national, nonprofit professional organization that works to ensure all children have access to healthful school meals and nutrition education. They provide guidelines to use when creating local wellness policies for school districts, a report summarizing the characteristics of the wellness policies approved by the 100 largest school districts in the country, a second report examining local wellness policies approved by a wide variety of school districts in 49 states, and frequently asked questions and answers.
USDA Team Nutrition
Team Nutrition is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service to support Child Nutrition Programs through training and technical assistance for foodservice, nutrition education for children and their caregivers, and school and community support for healthy eating and physical activity. The Web site contains local wellness policy requirements, sample wellness policies, implementation and evaluation tools and resources and frequently asked questions and answers. provides interactive tools and other resources to help youth-serving organizations and community partnerships plan, implement, and participate in effective programs for youth.
Nutrition for All Ages
Active Living by Design
Active Living by Design (ALBD) creates community-led change by working with local and national partners to build a culture of active living and healthy eating. Established by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, ALBD is part of the North Carolina Institute for Public Health at the University of North Carolina, Gillings School of Global Public Health.
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics offers nutrition fact sheets with facts, tips and recipes covering a variety of food and nutrition topics; a good nutrition reading list; as well as brochures, tip sheets and other resources to help achieve a healthy lifestyle.
CDC Podcasts
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers podcasts, targeted to both health professionals and the public, which provide health and safety-related tips and information. Ask CDC is a podcast series which answers real questions submitted to 1-800-CDC-INFO and
Choose MyPlate provides practical information to individuals, health professionals, nutrition educators, and the food industry to help consumers build healthier diets with resources and tools for dietary assessment, nutrition education, and other user-friendly nutrition information.
Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans are published jointly every 5 years by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans are the cornerstone of Federal nutrition policy and nutrition education activities. The guidelines provide authoritative advice for people two years and older about how good dietary habits can promote health and reduce risk for major chronic diseases. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans site contains resources for educators and consumers.
Eat a Variety of Fruits and Vegetables Every Day
This Web site from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers information on the benefits of fruits and vegetables, an explanation of what counts as a serving, fruit and vegetable of the month features, tips, recipes, interactive tools, and more.
Eat Smart, Move More North Carolina
Eat Smart, Move More NC is a statewide movement to promote increased opportunities for physical activity and healthy eating through policy and environmental change. The Web site provides a variety of resources to promote healthy eating and physical activity.
Farmers Markets
The U.S. Department of Agriculture offers a variety of resources related to farmers markets, from finding a market to starting one or promoting local agriculture.
Food Trust
The non-profit Food Trust works to improve the health of children and adults, promote good nutrition, increase access to healthy foods and advocate for improved public policy.
From Farm to Fork: A Guide to Building North Carolina’s Sustainable, Local Food Economy
The intent of From Farm to Fork: A Guide to Building North Carolina’s Sustainable Local Food Economy is to provide key action ideas for building a sustainable food economy in North Carolina at the state and local levels. Implementation of the recommended action steps will lead to significant economic development, stewardship of natural and agricultural resources, and better health and nutrition for all North Carolina residents.
Fruits & Veggies — More Matters™
Fruits & Veggies — More Matters™ is a dynamic health initiative to inspire and support consumers to eat more fruits and vegetables, showcasing the unrivaled combination of great taste, nutrition, abundant variety, and various product forms (fresh, frozen, canned, dried, and 100% juice). The goal is to achieve increased daily consumption of fruits and vegetables. Information about the benefits of fruits and vegetables, tips, recipes, brochures and more can be found at this Web site.
How to Understand and Use the Nutrition Facts Label
This useful Web site offers easy-to-understand information on Nutrition Facts labels.
Institute of Medicine
The Institute of Medicine (IOM), National Academy of Sciences provides evidence-based information and guidance concerning health and science policy to policy-makers, professionals and the public.
Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food
The U.S. Department of Agriculture initiative - Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food - aims to connect local production and consumption and promote local-scale sustainable operations. for consumers provides recipes, tools and tips for eating smart and moving more.
N.C. Sustainable Local Food Advisory Council
The purpose of the North Carolina Sustainable Local Food Advisory Council is to contribute to building a local food economy, thereby benefiting the state by creating jobs, stimulating statewide economic development, circulating money from local food sales within local communities, preserving open space, decreasing the use of fossil fuel and thus reducing carbon emissions, preserving and protecting the natural environment, increasing consumer access to fresh and nutritious foods, and providing greater food security for all North Carolinians. serves as a gateway to reliable information on nutrition, healthy eating, meal planning, food safety and food assistance programs for consumers, educators and health professionals.
Para información en español, consulte este sitio.
Partnership for Prevention
Partnership for Prevention is a membership organization of businesses, nonprofit organizations and government agencies advancing policies and practices to prevent disease and improve the health of all Americans. The Partnership analyzes leading edge scientific research to identify effective policies and practices and develops evidence-based policy recommendations and tools.
PolicyLink is a national research and action institute focusing attention on how people are working successfully to use local, state, and federal policy to create community conditions, including access to healthy food and physical activity opportunities, that benefit everyone. PolicyLink shares findings and analysis through publications, online tools, national summits, and briefings with national and local policymakers. PolicyLink provides support to the Healthy Eating Active Living Convergence Partnership.
Recommended Community Strategies and Measurements to Prevent Obesity in the United States
The Common Community Measures for Obesity Prevention Project, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), identifies and recommends a set of strategies and associated measurements that communities and local governments can use to plan and monitor environmental and policy-level changes for obesity prevention.
Nutrition for Children and Youth
Action for Healthy Kids
Action for Healthy Kids (AFHK) is a nationwide initiative dedicated to improving the health and educational performance of children through better nutrition and physical activity in schools. This effort represents a response to our nation's epidemic of overweight, sedentary, and undernourished children and adolescents. Healthy schools produce healthy students - and healthy students are better able to learn and achieve their true potential.
BAM! Body and Mind is an online destination designed for kids 9-13 years old. BAM! Body and Mind gives them the information they need to make healthy lifestyle choices. The Web site focuses on topics that are important to kids such as stress and physical fitness using kid-friendly lingo, games, quizzes, and other interactive features. BAM! Body and Mind also serves as an aid to teachers, providing them with interactive, educational, and fun activities that are linked to the national education standards for science and health.
Best Bones Forever
Best Bones Forever!™, from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is a campaign for girls that encourages them to grow strong by getting active and eating more foods with calcium and vitamin D.
CDC Kidtastics
Kidtastics is a podcast series, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which provides take home health and safety messages, in English and Spanish, for kids ages 5-10. “For kids by kids”, the audio podcasts are kid-friendly, with fun music and sound effects.
Chefs Move to Schools
The Chefs Move to Schools initiative, from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, aims to connect chefs with schools recognizing a potential role for the culinary community to play in ensuring our schools provide nutritious food to students.
Choose MyPlate provides practical information to individuals, health professionals, nutrition educators, and the food industry to help consumers build healthier diets with resources and tools for dietary assessment, nutrition education, and other user-friendly nutrition information.
Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans are published jointly every 5 years by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans are the cornerstone of Federal nutrition policy and nutrition education activities. The guidelines provide authoritative advice for people two years and older about how good dietary habits can promote health and reduce risk for major chronic diseases. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans site contains resources for educators and consumers.
Fruit & Veggie Color ChampionsTM
This Web site allows students to choose a Fruit & Veggie Color ChampionTM (Big Pauly, Greta, Raoul, Winonna or Yaz O’Frazz) to guide them through games, art activities, recipes, coloring sheets and activity pages to learn about the importance of eating fruits and vegetables., from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, was created to help girls (ages 10-16) learn about health, growing up, and issues they may face. It focuses on health topics that girls are concerned about and helps motivate them to choose healthy behaviors.
Institute of Medicine
The Institute of Medicine (IOM), National Academy of Sciences provides evidence-based information and guidance concerning health and science policy to policy-makers, professionals and the public. The IOM has released reports on the progress in preventing childhood obesity, food marketing to children, nutrition standards for food in schools, and strategies that local governments can take to address healthy eating.
Leadership for Healthy Communities
Leadership for Healthy Communities is a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation designed to support local and state government leaders nationwide in their efforts to reduce childhood obesity through public policies that promote active living, healthy eating and access to healthy foods. The Action Strategies Toolkit provides examples of policy approaches to improve children's health such as increasing access to parks and recreation centers and offering healthier foods in schools.
Let’s Move
Join First Lady Michelle Obama, community leaders, health professionals, and families in a nationwide campaign to tackle the challenge of childhood obesity. Let’s Move will give parents the support they need, provide healthier food in schools, help our kids to be more physically active, and make healthy, affordable food available in every part of our country.
N.C. Action for Healthy Kids
North Carolina Action for Healthy Kids (NCAFHK) is one of 51 Action for Healthy Kids state teams. The mission of North Carolina Action for Healthy Kids is to improve children's nutrition and physical activity in schools by collaborating with diverse stakeholders in advocating, promoting and implementing national and state initiatives.
N.C. Healthy Schools
North Carolina Healthy Schools, a partnership of the N.C. Carolina Department of Public Instruction and the N.C. Division of Public Health, focuses on improving the health of students and staff by providing coordination and resources in eight component areas of school health: comprehensive school health education, school health services, a safe physical environment, school counseling, psychological and social services, physical education, nutrition services, school-site health promotion for staff, and family and community involvement in schools.
N.C. Legislative Task Force on Childhood Obesity
The North Carolina General Assembly convened a Task Force to study issues relating to childhood obesity and to recommend strategies for addressing the problem of childhood obesity and encouraging healthy eating and increased physical activity among children. The final report explains the charge of the Task Force, summarizes the meeting proceedings, and lists the findings and recommendations.
School Health Guidelines to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity
The School Health Guidelines to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) establish a foundation for developing, implementing, and evaluating school-based healthy eating and physical activity policies and practices for students.
Spot the Block
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Cartoon Network have launched “Spot the Block”, a public education campaign to encourage tweens (ages 9-13) to use the Nutrition Facts information on food labels. The interactive Web site gives tweens the opportunity to explore information about serving sizes, calories and nutrient selection.
The Super Kids Web site features tips for eating healthy and being active, a fruit and vegetable encyclopedia, kid’s cookbook, games, and more. The section for parents includes the latest in nutrition research, serving size guidelines, fruit and vegetable nutrition facts, and tips for encouraging children to eat more fruits and vegetables. The section for teachers includes fun lesson plans, activities and games to teach students about the importance of fruits and vegetables.
We Can! (Ways to Enhance Children's Activity & Nutrition)
We Can! is a national program designed as a one-stop resource for parents and caregivers interested in practical tools to help children 8 to 13 years old stay at a healthy weight. Tips and fun activities offered to parents, health care providers, and community groups focus on three critical behaviors: improved food choices, increased physical activity, and reduced screen time.
Nutrition Education/Bulletin Boards
American Food Holidays
This list of national food holidays can inspire bulletin board ideas.
Choose MyPlate provides practical information to individuals, health professionals, nutrition educators, and the food industry to help consumers build healthier diets with resources and tools for dietary assessment, nutrition education, and other user-friendly nutrition information.
Education World®
Tips and resources are offered for using bulletin boards to teach.
Ideas for Bulletin Boards
This site offers bulletin board ideas from teachers that will work in almost any classroom.
Kathy Schrock’s Guide for Educators – Bulletin Board Ideas
This guide offers bulletin board ideas, photos and links to resources.
N.C. Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services – Educational Resources
The N.C. Department of Agriculture has a variety of resources available from their Web site: information on North Carolina produce and local farmers, educational materials, classroom tools, contact information for North Carolina agricultural associations, etc.
Team Nutrition Bulletin Board Resources
Help your students and staff learn to make healthful food choices by creating a colorful bulletin board in your child care center, classroom or cafeteria. Use the U.S. Department of Agriculture Team Nutrition bulletin board resources for a themed display that will make your students and staff stop and look!
Team Nutrition Features of the Month
Use the U.S. Department of Agriculture Team Nutrition Features of the Month to celebrate food, nutrition and health observances with students and school staff. Features of the Month can serve as a guide for bulletin board themes.
Nutrition Education/Classroom Lessons
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics offers nutrition fact sheets with facts, tips and recipes covering a variety of food and nutrition topics; a good nutrition reading list; as well as brochures, tip sheets and other resources to help achieve a healthy lifestyle.
American Heart Association (AHA) Resources for Teachers
Good habits are the key to good health, and teachers and schools can have a big impact on the habits of their students. Teachers can use materials on this site to get the facts and learn what actions they can take to help the students in their schools live longer, healthy lives.
BAM! Teacher’s Corner
BAM! Body and Mind Teacher’s Corner serves as an aid to teachers, providing them with interactive, educational, and fun activities that are linked to national education standards for science and health.
Choose MyPlate provides practical information to individuals, health professionals, nutrition educators, and the food industry to help consumers build healthier diets with resources and tools for dietary assessment, nutrition education, and other user-friendly nutrition information.
Crunch the Numbers
Crunch the Numbers, sponsored by Produce for Better Health Foundation, is a program for grades 3-4 aligned with national math and health standards that allows students to learn about the healthy benefits of eating more fruits and vegetables.
CYFERnet – Children, Youth and Families Education and Research Network
CYFERnet is a national network of land grant university faculty and county extension educators working to support community-based educational programs. CYFERnet offers practical research-based tools, curricula, activities and information for working with youth, parents, families, and communities.
Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans are published jointly every 5 years by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans are the cornerstone of Federal nutrition policy and nutrition education activities. The guidelines provide authoritative advice for people two years and older about how good dietary habits can promote health and reduce risk for major chronic diseases. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans site contains resources for educators and consumers.
Eat Smart, Move More North Carolina
Eat Smart, Move More NC is a statewide movement that promotes increased opportunities for healthy eating and physical activity wherever people live, learn, earn, play and pray. There is a section on the Eat Smart, Move More NC Web site dedicated to schools where you can access a variety of tools and resources.
First School
First-School features free fun preschool lesson plans, early childhood activities, printable crafts, worksheets, and more.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
The FDA Web site contains information about food, food safety and nutrition for consumers, kids, health professionals, educators, government, industry, and the media. También se ofrece unas partes en Español.
FoodCorps is a non-profit national service organization that seeks to reverse childhood obesity by increasing vulnerable children's knowledge of, engagement with, and access to healthy food. The centerpiece is an AmeriCorps public service program that recruits young leaders for a year of service in high-obesity, limited-resource communities of need. Service members build and tend school gardens, conduct hands-on nutrition education, and facilitate Farm to School programming that brings high quality local food into public schools.
Goodness Grows in NC and Got to Be NC
The N.C. Department of Agriculture Goodness Grows in NC and Got to Be NC promotional and educational campaigns provide recipes, how to find North Carolina produce, and other information for consumers and kids.
Healthy Meals Resource System
The Healthy Meals Resource System from the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library provides links to recipes, reports and studies, and resources for menu planning, food service, food safety, nutrition education and special diets.
KidsHealth in the Classroom®
KidsHealth in the Classroom®, from The Nemours Foundation, offers educators free health curriculum materials for all grades and subject areas. Each Teacher's Guide includes discussion questions, activities, and reproducible handouts and quizzes – all aligned to national health education standards.
Make Your Calories Count
Make Your Calories Count is an interactive learning program that provides consumers with information to help plan a healthful diet while managing calorie intake using the food label.
National Dairy Council
The National Dairy Council publishes educational materials that can be used with students, teachers and families. También se ofrece unas partes en Español.
N.C. Department of Agriculture Educational Resources
The N.C. Department of Agriculture has a variety of resources available from their Web site: information on North Carolina produce and local farmers, educational materials, classroom tools, contact information for North Carolina agricultural associations, etc.
N.C. Dietetic Association (NCDA)
The North Carolina Dietetic Association serves the public through the promotion of optimal nutrition, health and well-being. NCDA has ten districts spread across the state with members working in hospitals, health departments, clinics, schools, universities, corporations, and other settings. NCDA or any of its districts can be a connection to additional resources for nutrition education – either through materials or volunteers.
N.C. Healthful Living Standard Course of Study
The North Carolina Healthful Living Standard Course of Study is a combination of two content areas: health education and physical education. The intent of the N.C. Healthful Living Standard Course of Study is to establish competency goals and objectives for the teaching and learning of behaviors that contribute to a healthful lifestyle and improved quality of life for all students. is a great resource for up-to-date food and nutrition information serving as a gateway to reliable information on nutrition, healthy eating, meal planning, food safety and food assistance programs for consumers, educators and health professionals.
Para información en español, consulte este sitio.
Produce for Better Health Foundation
The Produce for Better Health Foundation is a non-profit consumer education foundation whose purpose is to motivate people to eat more fruits and vegetables to improve health. A number of educational resources are downloadable under the Educators tab on the Web site.
School Nutrition Association of North Carolina (SNANC)
The School Nutrition Association of North Carolina can be a state level resource for nutrition education training and materials. SNANC has local chapters that can provide connections to other school nutrition professionals for ideas and resources.
Southeast United Dairy Industry Association, Inc. (SUDIA)
The Southeast United Dairy Industry Association, Inc. provides resources about calcium, dairy and nutrition for consumers, health professionals, educators and dairy farmers.
Team Nutrition Resources
U.S. Department of Agriculture Team Nutrition offers downloadable classroom curriculum and activities and other materials for educators.
Physical Activity for All Ages
Active Living by Design
Active Living by Design (ALBD) creates community-led change by working with local and national partners to build a culture of active living and healthy eating. Established by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, ALBD is part of the North Carolina Institute for Public Health at the University of North Carolina, Gillings School of Global Public Health.
CDC Podcasts
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers podcasts, targeted to both health professionals and the public, which provide health and safety-related tips and information. Ask CDC is a podcast series which answers real questions submitted to 1-800-CDC-INFO and
Complete Streets
Complete Streets are designed and operated to enable safe access for all users. The National Complete Streets Coalition advocates for and offers resources to transform the look, feel and function of the roads and streets in our communities, by changing the way they are planned, designed and constructed.
Eat Smart, Move More North Carolina
Eat Smart, Move More NC is a statewide movement to promote increased opportunities for physical activity and healthy eating through policy and environmental change. The Web site provides a variety of resources to promote healthy eating and physical activity., from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National Health Information Center, offers information and tools to help you and those you care about stay healthy.
Joint Use
Joint use is a way to increase opportunities for children and adults to be more physically active. It refers to two or more entities, usually a school and a city or private organization, sharing indoor and outdoor spaces like gymnasiums, athletic fields and playgrounds.
National Physical Activity Plan
The U.S. National Physical Activity Plan is a private-public sector collaborative, engaging hundreds of organizations dedicated to changing our communities in ways that will enable every American to be sufficiently physically active. The National Plan aims to create a culture that supports physically active lifestyles for the ultimate purposes of improving health, preventing disease and disability, and enhancing quality of life.
N.C. Complete Streets Policy
Under the N.C. Complete Streets Policy, the N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) works with cities, towns and communities to consider accommodating several modes of transportation when building new projects or making improvements to existing infrastructure. This approach improves safety, makes it easier for travelers to get where they need to go, encourages the use of alternate forms of transportation, increases the connectivity between streets and transit systems, and works to build a strong sense of community.
N.C. Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation
The N.C. Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation (DBPT) is a comprehensive initiative designing facilities, creating safety programs, mapping cross-state bicycle routes, training teachers, sponsoring workshops and conferences, fostering multi-modal planning and integrating bicycling and walking into the ongoing activities of the N.C. Department of Transportation.
N.C. Office of Environmental Education
The North Carolina Office of Environmental Education, in an effort to promote the integration of Environmental Education (EE) and personal health, has developed a list of EE centers with walking trails and other health-related activities and exhibits.
Partnership for Prevention
Partnership for Prevention is a membership organization of businesses, nonprofit organizations and government agencies advancing policies and practices to prevent disease and improve the health of all Americans. The Partnership analyzes leading edge scientific research to identify effective policies and practices and develops evidence-based policy recommendations and tools.
Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans
The Federal Government has issued its first-ever Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. The guidelines describe the types and amounts of physical activity that offer substantial health benefits to Americans. The Advisory Committee report, the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, Be Active Your Way: A Guide for Adults and an implementation tool kit for organizations and communities are downloadable from the Web site.
PolicyLink is a national research and action institute focusing attention on how people are working successfully to use local, state, and federal policy to create community conditions, including access to healthy food and physical activity opportunities, that benefit everyone. PolicyLink shares findings and analysis through publications, online tools, national summits, and briefings with national and local policymakers. PolicyLink provides support to the Healthy Eating Active Living Convergence Partnership.
President's Challenge - You're it. Get fit!
A central component of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, the President's Challenge - You're it. Get fit! - encourages all Americans to make being active part of their everyday lives. This Web site is the interactive component of that challenge and provides information for kids, teens, adults, seniors, teachers and physical activity advocates on how to register, track progress, calculate fitness and earn awards for meeting goals.
A partnership among Federal land management agencies to provide an easy-to-use Web site with information about all federal recreation areas, the Web site allows you to search for recreation areas by state, recreational activity, agency, or map.
Recommended Community Strategies and Measurements to Prevent Obesity in the United States
The Common Community Measures for Obesity Prevention Project, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), identifies and recommends a set of strategies and associated measurements that communities and local governments can use to plan and monitor environmental and policy-level changes for obesity prevention.
Shape Your World NC
Shape Your World is a statewide movement of North Carolinians who are committed to creating safer and healthier communities through changes in the world around them (called “built environments”).
Physical Activity for Children and Youth
Action for Healthy Kids
Action for Healthy Kids (AFHK) is a nationwide initiative dedicated to improving the health and educational performance of children through better nutrition and physical activity in schools. This effort represents a response to our nation's epidemic of overweight, sedentary, and undernourished children and adolescents. Healthy schools produce healthy students - and healthy students are better able to learn and achieve their true potential.
BAM! Body and Mind is an online destination designed for kids 9-13 years old. BAM! Body and Mind gives them the information they need to make healthy lifestyle choices. The Web site focuses on topics that are important to kids such as stress and physical fitness using kid-friendly lingo, games, quizzes, and other interactive features. BAM! Body and Mind also serves as an aid to teachers, providing them with interactive, educational, and fun activities that are linked to the national education standards for science and health.
Best Bones Forever
Best Bones Forever!™, from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is a campaign for girls that encourages them to grow strong by getting active and eating more foods with calcium and vitamin D.
CDC Kidtastics
Kidtastics is a podcast series, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which provides take home health and safety messages, in English and Spanish, for kids ages 5-10. “For kids by kids”, the audio podcasts are kid-friendly, with fun music and sound effects.
Energizers are short, classroom-based physical activities. The activities last approximately 10 minutes, integrate grade-appropriate learning materials, involve no equipment and require little teacher preparation., from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, was created to help girls (ages 10-16) learn about health, growing up, and issues they may face. It focuses on health topics that girls are concerned about and helps motivate them to choose healthy behaviors.
Institute of Medicine
The Institute of Medicine (IOM), National Academy of Sciences provides evidence-based information and guidance concerning health and science policy to policy-makers, professionals and the public. The IOM has released reports on the progress in preventing childhood obesity and strategies that local governments can take to address active living.
KaBOOM! is a national non-profit providing toolkits, training and technical assistance for developing playgrounds and creating safe communities that support physical activity. is a site from the International Food Information Council (IFIC) Foundation for kids and their parents to learn more about health, fitness and nutrition through fun games, recipes and articles. The Leader’s Guide is a lesson-based curriculum guide for health professionals and educators to use when working with patients and students, and the Parents’ Guide provides quick and easy-to-use information just for parents.
Leadership for Healthy Communities
Leadership for Healthy Communities is a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation designed to support local and state government leaders nationwide in their efforts to reduce childhood obesity through public policies that promote active living, healthy eating and access to healthy foods. The Action Strategies Toolkit provides examples of policy approaches to improve children's health such as increasing access to parks and recreation centers and offering healthier foods in schools.
Let’s Move
Join First Lady Michelle Obama, community leaders, health professionals, and families in a nationwide campaign to tackle the challenge of childhood obesity. Let’s Move will give parents the support they need, provide healthier food in schools, help our kids to be more physically active, and make healthy, affordable food available in every part of our country.
Move More Standards
The More More: North Carolina’s Recommended Standards for Physical Activity in School provide suggestions on the roles that students, families, principals, teachers, school staff, school board members, superintendents and community leaders can play in making school a place that supports and encourages physical activity.
N.C. Action for Healthy Kids
North Carolina Action for Healthy Kids (NCAFHK) is one of 51 Action for Healthy Kids state teams. The mission of N.C. Action for Healthy Kids is to improve children's nutrition and physical activity in schools by collaborating with diverse stakeholders in advocating, promoting and implementing national and state initiatives.
N.C. Alliance for Athletics, Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance
The North Carolina Alliance for Athletics, Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (NCAAHPERD) is a professional association dedicated to the advancement of research and education within the fields of Athletics, Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.
N.C. Healthy Schools
North Carolina Healthy Schools, a partnership of the N.C. Department of Public Instruction and the N.C. Division of Public Health, focuses on improving the health of students and staff by providing coordination and resources in eight component areas of school health: comprehensive school health education, school health services, a safe physical environment, school counseling, psychological and social services, physical education, nutrition services, school-site health promotion for staff, and family and community involvement in schools.
N.C. Legislative Task Force on Childhood Obesity
The North Carolina General Assembly convened a Task Force to study issues relating to childhood obesity and to recommend strategies for addressing the problem of childhood obesity and encouraging healthy eating and increased physical activity among children. The final report explains the charge of the Task Force, summarizes the meeting proceedings, and lists the findings and recommendations.
N.C. Safe Routes to School
The North Carolina Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program enables and encourages children to walk and bicycle to school; makes walking and bicycling to school a safe and more appealing transportation option; and facilitates the planning, development, and implementation of projects and activities that will improve safety and reduce traffic, fuel consumption, and air pollution in the vicinity of school.
Safe Routes to School
The U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration offers resources for Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs administered by each state. SRTS programs enable community leaders, schools and parents to enhance safety and encourage more children to walk and bicycle to school. The programs are working to reduce traffic congestion and improve overall health and the environment, making communities more livable for everyone.
School Health Guidelines to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity
The School Health Guidelines to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) establish a foundation for developing, implementing, and evaluating school-based healthy eating and physical activity policies and practices for students.
Shape Your World NC
Shape Your World is a statewide movement of North Carolinians who are committed to creating safer and healthier communities through changes in the world around them (called “built environments”).
VERB™ It's what you do
VERB™ It’s what you do. was a national, multicultural, social marketing campaign coordinated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The VERB campaign encouraged tweens (youth age 9-13) to be physically active every day. Resources developed for the campaign are still accessible via the Web site.
We Can! (Ways to Enhance Children's Activity & Nutrition)
We Can! is a national program designed as a one-stop resource for parents and caregivers interested in practical tools to help children 8 to 13 years old stay at a healthy weight. Tips and fun activities offered to parents, health care providers, and community groups focus on three critical behaviors: improved food choices, increased physical activity, and reduced screen time.
Youth Physical Activity Guidelines Toolkit
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, which provide science-based recommendations to help persons aged 6 years or older improve their health through physical activity. The Youth Physical Activity Guidelines Toolkit can be used by anyone who promotes youth physical activity.
School Breakfast
Got Breakfast? Foundation
The Got Breakfast?® Foundation works to address childhood hunger and ensure that every child starts the school day with a nutritious breakfast in order to learn, grow and develop to his or her full potential. The "Got Breakfast?" campaign educates students, parents, teachers, and administrators about the importance of breakfast and the options available for students to receive breakfast served in school.
School Breakfast Outreach Center
The Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) offers school breakfast data and reports, including the School Breakfast Report Card, as well as strategies and resources for expanding school breakfast.
School Breakfast Program
The School Breakfast Program (SBP) provides cash assistance to States to operate nonprofit breakfast programs in schools and residential childcare institutions. The program is administered at the Federal level by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service. State education agencies administer the SBP at the state level, and local school food authorities operate it in schools.
School Breakfast Toolkit
The School Breakfast Toolkit, from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, offers information to help promote and expand School Breakfast Programs (SBP) as a way of supporting positive outcomes for children.
School and Community Gardens
4-H Plant & Soils
Welcome all plant geeks and mud-pie makers! For those of you that enjoy tickling sensitive plants and get excited about squishing soil in your fingers, munching on begonias, and getting lost in corn mazes, get ready to explore, with North Carolina 4-H, a natural world that brims with mysteries waiting to be discovered by YOU!
4-H Virtual Farm
The objective of the 4-H Virtual Farm is to provide youth with an opportunity to learn basic agricultural concepts. The scope of the 4-H Virtual Farm project is specifically mirrored in the Standards of Learning.
American Community Gardening Association
The American Community Gardening Association (ACGA) is a nonprofit organization that supports community gardening by facilitating the formation and expansion of state and regional community gardening networks, developing resources in support of community gardening, and encouraging research and conducting educational programs.
American Heart Association (AHA) Teaching Gardens
American Heart Association Teaching Gardens teach children in first through fifth grades how to plant seeds, nurture growing plants, harvest produce and ultimately understand the value of good eating habits.
Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project (ASAP) Growing Minds
The Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project is a non-profit organization that supports farmers and rural communities by providing education, mentoring, promotion and Web resources, and community and policy development. ASAP has developed Growing Minds, which provides lesson plans, children’s literature resources and information about creating school gardens, organizing farm field trips and purchasing local foods for schools.
California School Garden Network
The curriculum section, compiled by the University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources Garden-Based Learning Workgroup, provides over one hundred garden-based lessons to create, expand, and sustain garden-based learning experiences. It offers practical ideas and resources for every level of garden-based learning from sprouting seeds to understanding the food system.
FoodCorps is a non-profit national service organization that seeks to reverse childhood obesity by increasing vulnerable children's knowledge of, engagement with, and access to healthy food. The centerpiece is an AmeriCorps public service program that recruits young leaders for a year of service in high-obesity, limited-resource communities of need. Service members build and tend school gardens, conduct hands-on nutrition education, and facilitate Farm to School programming that brings high quality local food into public schools.
Garden-Based Learning Program
The Garden-Based Learning Program is based in the Department of Horticulture at Cornell University. The Garden-Based Learning Program develops projects, activities, and other materials, as well as gardening content- and youth development-oriented support.
Great Kids Farm
Great Kids Farm is a living, working farm that educates Baltimore City school students about healthy eating, organic farming and the natural sciences and connects young people to the soil, plants and animals that provide their food.
Green Education Foundation
The Green Education Foundation (GEF) is a non-profit organization with a mission to provide educational resources that promote sustainable, impactful pro-green behaviors in children, families and communities. GEF programs provide a hands-on component coupled with standards-based lessons that promote environmental sustainability and individual health and well-being.
Growing Communities through Gardens
This planning and resource guide describes a community garden and its benefits, how to find or start a garden, and tips for growing, storing, preparing and enjoying fruits and vegetables.
Growing Safer Gardens
This handbook from North Carolina State University, North Carolina Cooperative Extension and Nourishing North Carolina provides suggestions for reducing food safety risks in community and school gardens.
Junior Master Gardener
Junior Master Gardener (JMG) is a 4-H youth development program of the Cooperative Extension System. JMG encourages youths to be of service to others through service learning and leadership development projects and engages children in novel, “hands-on” group and individual learning experiences that promote a love of gardening, develop an appreciation for the environment, and cultivate the mind.
Kids Gardening
The Kids Gardening Web site from the National Gardening Association provides tips, garden activities and lessons, success stories and information about funding for developing school and community gardens.
Michigan 4-H Children's Garden
The Michigan 4-H Children's Garden is a place where plants, children, and imaginations grow. As one of the horticultural gardens on the campus of Michigan State University, this garden features over 56 individual theme areas that create a place of wonder, enchantment and delight for people of any age. This Web site allows a visitor to experience any of the theme gardens and explore each one in virtual reality movies.
National Gardening Association
Programs and initiatives of the non-profit National Gardening Association (NGA) highlight the opportunities for plant-based education in schools, communities, and backyards across the country. NGA serves as a bridge to connect people to gardening in five core fields: plant-based education, health and wellness, environmental stewardship, community development, and responsible home gardening.
Natural Learning Initiative
The mission of the Natural Learning Initiative, based at North Carolina State University, is to help communities create stimulating places for play, learning, and environmental education.
N.C. Community Gardens
The North Carolina Community Garden Partners offers this site to help citizens find a community garden nearby, learn how to start a new garden or find resources to support an existing one.
N.C. Master Gardener ProgramSM
The Master GardenerSM program is an initiative of the North Carolina State University, Cooperative Extension Service. Trained Master GardenerSM volunteers provide educational assistance and programs regarding horticulture and environmental issues.
Project Learning Tree
Project Learning Tree (PLT) is a pre-kindergarten through grade 12 environmental education program, developed by the American Forest Foundation, through which students learn environmental content (that correlates to national and state standards in science, social studies, language arts, math, and other subjects) and strengthen their critical thinking, team building, and problem solving skills. In North Carolina, PLT is sponsored by the N.C. Cooperative Extension Service and the N.C. Division of Forest Resources.
SEEDS is a non-profit community garden whose goal is to teach people to care for the earth, themselves and each other through a variety of garden-based programs. SEEDlings, a free After School Program for grades 1-5, provides an educational environment with a focus on gardening, nature, exercise, and nutrition. Durham Inner-city Gardeners (DIG) empowers teens by teaching organic gardening, healthy food choices and food security values. The program emphasizes sustainable living and growing practices, ecological balance, and the natural recycling of organic materials for plant health and nourishment.
The Edible Schoolyard
The Edible Schoolyard, in collaboration with Martin Luther King Junior Middle School, provides urban public school students with a one-acre organic garden and a kitchen classroom. Using food systems as a unifying concept, students learn how to grow, harvest, and prepare nutritious seasonal produce.
USDA Food Safety Tips for School Gardens
School gardens provide a way for children to grow, harvest, prepare, and ultimately taste new fruits and vegetables. This tip sheet from the U.S. Department of Agriculture outlines appropriate precautions to ensure that fruits and vegetables from school gardens can be served safely to students.
Staff Wellness
Eat Smart Move More Meal Planners and Activity Logs
Research shows that people who track what they eat and how much activity they get are more likely to achieve their goals toward eating smart and moving more. These forms can be downloaded onto a computer and printed, or used electronically.
Eat Smart Move More Motivational Posters
These graphically designed informational posters and motivational quotes can be displayed on bulletin boards or other areas in worksites, faith organizations, schools, and community buildings to encourage people to take the stairs, drink water, and make healthy snack choices.
Eat Smart Move More Weigh Less
Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less is a weight-management program that uses strategies proven to work. Each lesson informs, empowers and motivates participants to live mindfully as they make choices about eating and physical activity. The program provides opportunities for participants to track their progress and keep a journal of healthy eating and physical activity behaviors. The program can be offered to worksites and other groups interested in eating smart, moving more and achieving a healthy weight.
Fruits and Vegetables Challenge
The Fruits and Vegetables Challenge is a fun way to encourage employees at your worksite to eat more fruits and vegetables every day. The Challenge is designed as a month-long event when participants compete to score points by eating more fruits and vegetables. Step-by-step instructions and guidance on organizing the event, an announcement poster, sign-up sheet, quick tips sheet, log to track points, weekly newsletters, evaluation form and certificate of achievement are included.
Healthy Meeting Guide
The Eat Smart Healthy Meeting Guide provides healthy food and beverage suggestions for various event meals and snacks as well as practical tips for stocking vending machines. Additionally, the guide provides sample menus and suggestions for how to replace typical offerings with healthier options. The guide also provides a sample Eat Smart North Carolina Healthy Foods Policy that can be adapted and implemented by any organization, agency or community group where foods and beverages are served.
Move More Walking Map Guide
The Move More Walking Map Guide encourages the user to create routes in areas such as parking lots, neighborhoods, and around the outside or inside of large buildings. Tips for exploring other elements such as marked distances, varying lengths and destination points are also included. The guide then walks the user through the process of creating a map, directions for the route, and promotional activities that can increase awareness and use of the route.
N.C. HealthSmart School Worksite Wellness Toolkit
The North Carolina HealthSmart School Worksite Wellness Toolkit is a comprehensive collection of guidelines and ready-to-use materials to organize a worksite wellness committee and implement worksite wellness programs in schools. The toolkit is comprised of five workbooks - one on starting or enhancing an effective wellness committee and four resource books that address the main aspects of a healthy lifestyle: healthy eating, physical activity, tobacco cessation and stress management.
N.C. HealthSmart Worksite Wellness Tool Kit
The North Carolina HealthSmart Worksite Wellness Tool Kit offers worksite wellness resources for state employees with step-by-step instructions for developing and planning a wellness program. The toolkit is comprised of five workbooks - one on starting or enhancing an effective wellness committee and four resource books that address the main aspects of a healthy lifestyle: healthy eating, physical activity, tobacco cessation and stress management.
Saving Dollars and Making Sense Management Guide
Saving Dollars and Making Sense is an easy step-by-step guide that will help businesses implement a comprehensive workforce health promotion program and keep health costs under control. The guide provides management with tools to create an environment that supports staff members who choose to live a healthy lifestyle. The guide will also provide employees with the knowledge and skills they need to adopt healthy behaviors and take an active role in managing their healthcare.
Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger Hunt is a worksite wellness activity that encourages employees to find resources in the community to enhance their health and well-being and to share these resources with other co-workers. Examples of such resources can include a walking trail, a restaurant that serves healthy menu options, or a support group. Step-by-step instructions and guidance on organizing the activity, an announcement poster, sign-up sheet, activity log, weekly newsletters, evaluation form and certificate of achievement are included.
Smart Fuel
Smart Fuel is a ten-week worksite wellness challenge to help employees eat smart using the following strategies: Enjoy More Fruits & Vegetables, Re-Think Your Drink, Enjoy More Whole Grains, Prepare More Meals at Home, and Right-Size Your Portions. Participants earn points for practicing these strategies each day during the ten weeks of the challenge. Worksite wellness committees can choose to implement this challenge for individual participants or teams.
Solving the Puzzle of Moving More
Solving the Puzzle of Moving More is a worksite wellness activity that encourages employees to be physically active. The activity is designed to be conducted over a five-week period. Step-by-step instructions and guidance on organizing the activity, an announcement poster, sign-up sheet, activity log to track points, weekly newsletters, crossword puzzle, evaluation form and certificate of achievement are included.
Stairwell Guide
Move More North Carolina: A Guide to Stairwell Initiatives is a useful planning tool that provides step-by-step guidelines for anyone interested in implementing a stairwell initiative. The guide also includes promotional signs and examples of stairwell initiatives in place across North Carolina.
Stress-Less Challenge
Stress-Less Challenge is a worksite wellness activity that provides employees with the opportunity to practice and adopt a variety of strategies to reduce and manage stress. The activity is designed to be conducted over a four-week period. Step-by-step instructions and guidance on organizing the challenge, an announcement poster, sign-up sheet, log to track points, weekly newsletters, evaluation form and certificate of achievement are included.
Team Nutrition Power PantherTM
The purpose of Power Panther Professionals is to make school and child care center staff aware of the importance of enjoying healthy foods with particular emphasis on consumption of fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products and whole grains. Participants will also learn to enjoy daily physical activity through this program and will be encouraged to become a healthy role model for students. Additionally, topics such as stress management and healthy aging are addressed.
Ten-Minute Challenge
The Ten-Minute Challenge is a worksite wellness activity that encourages employees to practice health enhancing behaviors such as eating smart, moving more, quitting now and managing stress. Bi-weekly newsletters detail the benefits of practicing these healthy behaviors and give Ten-Minute Tips on how to fit these behaviors into our busy lives. Participants earn points each time they practice a Ten-Minute Tip.