
(picture of infant drinking from a cup) Weaning begins when your baby is fed something other than your breast milk. How long you nurse your baby is up to you and your baby. Some mothers nurse a few weeks until they go back to school or go to work. Some mothers nurse a few months, a year or longer. Babies are pretty flexible.

When you and your baby are ready to wean, do it slowly. Your baby and your breasts need some time to get comfortable. Drop one breastfeeding at a time. After a few days of not nursing at that time, your breasts will no longer be full during that feeding. Then you can drop another feeding. After you wean, it is normal for your breasts to still have a little milk for several months.

You can breastfeed at some feedings and give the baby a bottle or cup at other feedings. Your body will get used to making milk only at the times you breastfeed.

If your baby weans before one year, use an infant formula in place of breastfeeding. If your baby weans after one year, you can use regular, whole milk. Children under two years old need whole milk, not skim or 2% milk.

As your baby weans, plan to do other things together. Your baby will still need to be held a lot. Play with your baby. Take time to read and sing. If your baby is taking a bottle, hold the baby during the feeding.


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