1914 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1914
(919) 715-1923 or (919) 733-2973
Fax: (919) 733-1384 or (919) 715-8795

Breastfeeding Resources

* Breastfeeding, A Mother's Gift

Vitamin D:
* "Fact Sheet for Health Professionals on Vitamin D and the Breastfed Infant/Child" in pdf format.
* "Parent fact sheets on Vitamin D for the Breastfed Baby/Child" - English & Spanish in pdf format

How to Handle Expressed Milk:

* "Mother's Fact Sheet: How to Handle Expressed Milk" - English & Spanish in pdf format
* "Child Care Fact Sheet: How to Handle Pumped Milk" - English & Spanish in pdf format

Mother-Friendly Workplace Training Packet

* "Mother-Friendly Workplace Training Packet" - in pdf format

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