Special Nutrition Programs

FY 2013 Special Nutrition Program Trainings

The Special Nutrition Programs unit of the Nutrition Services Branch has program training scheduled for the fiscal year. Follow these links to find further information about each class. You can download the Adobe Acrobat Reader free to view registration information as a PDF document.

Training Descriptions

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 Child and Adult Care Food Program Training (CACFP)

 Potential Institution Training

Potential Institution Training
Target Audience
Owners, Directors, Administrators
This hands-on course is intended to introduce potential institutions to the application process and basic requirements for participation in the Child and Adult Care Food Program. To participate in CACFP, all interested institutions must attend this training. No registration fee is required. This training occurs over two days. It is limited to one person per institution. The same person must be in attendance both days. It is strongly recommended that the attendee from the organization be legally able to enter into a binding contract with the State Agency. You will need to identity if you are representing an independent center or sponsoring organization when you register. 

Definition of Independent Center:  A single child care center, or outside-school hours care center or adult day care center, or at-risk after school program or emergency/homeless shelter.

Definition of Sponsoring Organization (Unaffiliated): Having one or more day care homes, child care centers, outside-school hours care centers, adult day care centers, at-risk afterschool centers, emergency/homeless shelters, or combination which are legally distinct entities from the sponsor. 

Definition of Sponsoring Organization (Affiliated): Having two or more child care centers, outside-school hours care centers, adult day care centers, at-risk afterschool centers, emergency/homeless shelters, or combination which are part of the same legal entity as the sponsoring organization. This includes public, private non-profit, and private for-profit organizations.


At the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Complete an accurate CACFP application packet
  • Describe the benefits, criteria and requirements for the CACFP
  • Apply regulations that govern the CACFP
  • Identify required records

Date(s) Time Location
February 2013 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Raleigh
May 2013 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. TBD
August 2013 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. TBD

The registration form will be available soon.

 Your CACFP Responsibilities-Sponsoring Organizations of Centers

Your CACFP Responsibilities – Sponsoring Organizations of Centers
Target Audience
Directors, Owners, Administrators

This session will provide the necessary guidance and instructions to operate an efficient, effective, and successful Child and Adult Care Food Program. The following areas will be discussed: CACFP meal patterns requirements, menus and meal counts, income eligibility applications, CACFP costs, enrollment documentation, recordkeeping, claims submission and additional program requirements.

This course is a programmatic training.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
  • Plan meals that meet the CACFP meal pattern requirements for infants, children and adults
  • Accurately classify and maintain income eligibility applications
  • Maintain records to support the claim for reimbursement
  • Submit a claim for reimbursement
  • Identify monitoring, civil rights, and training requirements

Date(s) Time Location Registration
February 6, 2013 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Williamston Form
April 2013 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Cary TBD
July 2013 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. TBD TBD

 Your CACFP Responsibilities-Independent Centers

Your CACFP Responsibilities-Independent Centers
Target Audience
Directors, Owners, Administrators
This session will provide the necessary guidance and instructions to operate an efficient, effective, and successful Child and Adult Care Food Program. The following areas will be discussed: CACFP meal patterns requirements, menus and meal counts, income eligibility applications, CACFP costs, enrollment documentation, recordkeeping, claims submission and additional program requirements.

This course is a programmatic training.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
  • Plan meals that meet the CACFP meal pattern requirements for infants, children and adults
  • Accurately classify and maintain income eligibility applications
  • Maintain records to support the claim for reimbursement
  • Submit a claim for reimbursement
  • Identify monitoring, civil rights, and training requirements

Date(s) Time Location Registration
February 6, 2013 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Williamston Form
April 2013 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Cary TBD
July 2013 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. TBD TBD

 CACFP Conference 2013 Award Application Webinar

CACFP Conference 2013 Award Application Webinar
Target Audience
CACFP institutions who have made outstanding efforts promoting good nutrition and physical activity through creative menus, mentoring families, and creating innovative health and nutrition policies.

This webinar will walk CACFP participants through the award application process to be recognized in one of the following categories at the annual CACFP conference: Creative Menus, Get Moving with Physical Activity: Mentoring Families, Eat Smart with Good Nutrition: Mentoring Families, and Innovative Policy to Create a Healthier Environment. Deadline to apply is January 28, 2013.

Date(s) Time Mode
December 4, 2012 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Webinar

No advance registration is required. On the day of the webinar, go here. After clicking on-line, scroll down and click on “Enter as guest”.

 How to Complete an Independent Center Budget

How to Complete an Independent Center Budget
Target Audience
Person responsible for CACFP budget

This training is limited to nineteen persons and can accept only one person per institution. Each participant will have hands-on use of an assigned computer in a teaching lab environment. All work sheets of the budget will be reviewed electronically. To receive the maximum benefit from the training, it is recommended that each participant have available estimated total food service operation figures from their institution and a copy of the FNS 792-2, Rev.3 Financial Management Guide.


At the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the total food service cost of their institution.
  • Predict future CACFP reimbursements.
  • Project a budget for their institution.
  • Determine what supporting documentation is necessary for CACFP operation.
  • Evaluate the budget to assure that all CACFP reimbursement is spent for allowable costs.

This course is a programmatic training.

Date(s) Time Location Registration
January 15, 2013 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Raleigh, NC Form (PDF, 179 KB)

 How to Complete a Sponsoring Organization of Unaffiliated Centers Budget

How to Complete a Sponsoring Organization of Unaffiliated Centers Budget
Target Audience
Person responsible for CACFP budget

This training is limited to nineteen persons and can accept only one person per institution. Each participant will have hands-on use of an assigned computer in a teaching lab environment. All work sheets of the budget will be reviewed electronically. To receive the maximum benefit from the training, it is recommended that each participant have available estimated total foodservice operation figures from their institution and a copy of the FNS 792-2, Rev.3 Financial Management Guide.


At the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the total food service cost of their institution.
  • Predict future CACFP reimbursements.
  • Project a budget for their institution.
  • Determine what supporting documentation is necessary for CACFP operation.
  • Evaluate the budget to assure that all CACFP reimbursement is spent for allowable costs.

This course is a programmatic training.

Date(s) Time Location Registration
January 15, 2013 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM Raleigh Form (PDF, 183 KB)

 How to Complete a Sponsoring Organization of Affiliated Centers Budget

How to Complete a Sponsoring Organization of Affiliated Centers Budget
Target Audience
Person responsible for CACFP budget

This training is limited to nineteen persons and can accept only one person per institution. Each participant will have hands-on use of an assigned computer in a teaching lab environment. All work sheets of the budget will be reviewed electronically. To receive the maximum benefit from the training, it is recommended that each participant have available estimated total foodservice operation figures from their institution and a copy of the FNS 792-2, Rev.3 Financial Management Guide.


At the end of this training, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the total food service cost of their institution.
  • Predict future CACFP reimbursements.
  • Project a budget for their institution.
  • Determine what supporting documentation is necessary for CACFP operation.
  • Evaluate the budget to assure that all CACFP reimbursement is spent for allowable costs.

Date(s) Time Location Registration
December 11, 2012 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Raleigh, NC Form (PDF, 53 KB)

 Re-Think Your Drink Webinar

Re-Think Your Drink Webinar
Target Audience
CACFP child care providers, early childhood educators, cooks, parents

In this interactive webinar, you will learn about the best practices for providing healthy beverages in child care and early childhood education settings and learn tips to offer healthier options to the children in your care.

Date(s) Time Registration
January 18, 2013 10:00 a.m.– 11:00 a.m. Online

 Kids Eat Smart Move More Regional Trainings

Kids Eat Smart Move More Regional Trainings
Target Audience
Kids Eat Smart Move More award recipients and all other CACFP child care staff and cooks

All child care institutions participating with CACFP are welcome to attend this workshop and receive DCD credits! This one day fun-filled workshop will provide instruction and plenty of interactive activities with regard to encouraging healthy eating and activity practices in your facility. Workshop topics include background information on child obesity, nutrition and physical activity for young children, staff wellness, and working with families to encourage healthier lifestyles.

Date(s) Time Location
January 24, 2013 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Williamston, NC

Registration Form (PDF, 9 KB)

Build a Better Menu

Build a Better Menu
Target Audience

Healthy Futures Starting in the Kitchen award recipients and all other CACFP child care staff and cooks.


This training will increase the child care provider’s awareness of the current nutrition recommendations, the healthy menu planning toolkit, review resources and motivate the child care providers to begin implementation of healthy nutrition changes in their center or home. The training will be highly interactive, with time allotted for participants to work in small groups to develop a 4-week cycle of healthy menus.

Date(s)  Time Location
January 31, 2013 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. New Bern, NC

Build a Better Menu Registration Form (PDF, 9 KB)

General Statute 143 Reports Webinar

GS 143 Reports for CACFP and SFSP Grantees
Target Audience
CACFP institutions and SFSP sponsors currently participating and receiving funds from the state.

This webinar is for both CACFP and SFSP participants. Participants will learn about the required GS 143C-6-23 report to be filed online annually. A computer and phone line is required to access the webinar training.


At the end of this webinar:

  • Participants will be able to successfully obtain an NCID and password.
  • Participants will be able to accurately complete GS 143 report annually in a timely manner.
Date(s)  Time Registration
March 2013 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. TBA
July 2013 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. TBA

2013 CACFP Conference Event

2013 CACFP Conference: Shaping Futures: Building Healthier Persons and Communities in North Carolina
Target Audience
Child and adult care providers, cooks, food service companies, businesses, community organizations, and national/state agencies

This conference brings together Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) participants and its supporters from across the state to receive training on how to better administer the program while improving the health of those under their care. The conference will focus on three key components: nutrition, physical activity, and the administration of CACFP.

Date(s)  Location Registration
June 5-7, 2013 Sheraton Imperial
Durham, North Carolina

CACFP Registration Procedures

  • On-Site Training:
    • Maximum of two people from each institution, space limited.
    • Confirmation letter will be sent for each registration form received.
    • Directions to training location will be sent with confirmation.
    • No videotaping or audio taping of sessions is allowed.
    • Attendance of the entire program required. No partial credit given for any training.
    • Need to cancel? Call Cindy Reilly (919-707-5784) and leave message so others may attend.
  • Webinar Training:
    • Must have access to internet (with Adobe Flash Player 8 installed) for viewing and phone for sound.
    • Registration for webinars is completed online only. A link to the registration page is available with the training description.
    • If registering for CACFP webinar training for the first time, please complete all required fields.
    • If you have ever previously registered with us, click on the words “click here” on the screen. You must use the original email address and password that you used when you first registered for any training, so remember this information.
    • Confirmation for webinar registrations will be sent via email shortly before the date of the training event. Set up your computer so email messages will not go to junk or spam mail.
      • Call 1-800-422-3623 (Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro) for difficulties during any webinar. CACFP State Agency employees cannot assist with technical difficulties.

 Summer Food Service Program Training (SFSP)

Summer Food Service Program Training (SFSP)
Target Audience
2013 Potential Sponsors

This is a 1-1/2 day required training session for all sponsors that did not participated during 2012 or experienced significant Program violations in its operation. The training covers site eligibility, organization, management of the program, meal service requirements, working with staff and food service management companies, monitoring sites, recordkeeping, program reviews, improving nutrition in the SFSP, and the SFSP application deadline.

By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
  • Describe the eligibility requirements for the sponsor, site, and participant
  • Define meal service methods and requirements
  • Plan a nutritious menu based that meets SFSP meal pattern requirements
  • Adhere to food safety and health permit regulations
  • Illustrate how pertinent records support your monthly claim
  • Determine your SFSP 2013 reimbursement rates
  • Distinguish between allowable and unallowable costs
  • Encourage nutrition and daily physical activity
  • Understand the application process and deadlines

Date(s) Location Registration Deadline
February 26-27, 2013 Lenoir, NC February 12, 2013
March 7-8, 2013 Greensboro, NC February 20, 2013
March 19-20, 2013 Raleigh, NC March 15, 2013

Registration Form (PDF, 263 KB)

SFSP Registration Procedures
  • On-Site Training:
    • Maximum of two people from each institution, space limited.
    • Confirmation letter will be sent for each registration form received.
    • Directions to training location will be sent with confirmation.
    • No videotaping or audio taping of sessions is allowed.
    • Attendance of the entire program required. No partial credit given for any training.
    • Need to cancel? Call the SFSP Program (919-707-5768) and leave message so others may attend.
  • Webinar Training:
    • Must have access to internet (with Adobe Flash Player 8 installed) for viewing and phone for sound.
    • Registration for webinars is completed online only. A link to the registration page is available with the training description.
    • If registering for SFSP webinar training for the first time, please complete all required fields.
    • If you have ever previously registered with us, click on the words “click here” on the screen. You must use the original email address and password that you used when you first registered for any training, so remember this information.
    • Confirmation for webinar registrations will be sent via email shortly before the date of the training event. Set up your computer so email messages will not go to junk or spam mail.
    • Call 1-800-422-3623 (Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro) for difficulties during any webinar. SFSP State Agency employees cannot assist with technical difficulties.