Although some sodium is necessary, too much sodium may contribute to high blood
pressure, kidney disease, and other problems in some people. Table salt and processed
foods are the major sources of sodium in food. In addition, sodium is naturally found in
milk, meats, and other foods.
When little children are fed highly salted foods, they learn to expect a salty taste in
all foods. It is better to allow children to develop a taste for the natural flavor of
foods so that they are not faced with the prospect of having to change their tastes later
in life. Since added table salt provides no nutritional benefit, it is a good policy to
avoid adding salt to foods served to preschoolers.
High Sodium Foods and Seasonings Chart
High Sodium Foods |
High Sodium Seasonings |
- Frozen pot pies
- Pizza
- Salami
- Bologna
- Hot dogs
- Ham
- Sausages
- Bacon
- Canadian bacon
- Corned beef
- Salt pork
- Fish sticks
- Chicken nuggets
- Tuna, salmon or sardines (canned in brine or oil)
- Cheese
- Cottage cheese
- Buttermilk
- Salted crackers
- Commercially baked goods (pies, doughnuts, sweet rolls)
- Pancake mix
- Stuffing mix
- Sauerkraut
- Tomato juice
- Canned vegetables
- Frozen or canned vegetables in sauces
- Canned or dehydrated soups
- Salted gravies
- Bouillon
- Instant cocoa mix
- Pickles and pickle relish
- Salt
- Garlic salt
- Onion salt
- MSG (monosodium glutamate)
- Meat tenderizers
- Worcestershire sauce
- Soy sauce
- Steak sauce
- Catsup
- Chili sauce
- Barbecue sauce
- Salad dressings
Sample STEPs for Reducing Sodium Intake
Strategy: Using the list of high sodium foods above, review and revise
menus to reduce the frequency of serving these foods. For example, one simple way to
reduce sodium is to switch from canned to frozen vegetables whenever possible. Keep in
mind that many snack crackers are also high in sodium.
Teaching children: Using a picture recipe, have the children prepare a
low sodium seasoning mix to taste on their foods at school and take home to share with
their families.
- 1/2 t garlic powder
- 2 t dried basil
- 2 T dried oregano
- 1 t celery seed
- 1/2 t lemon pepper
- Place each ingredient in a cup with the appropriate measuring spoon.
- Each child measures the individual ingredients into a zipper plastic bag, closes the
bag, and shakes to mix.
- The Seasoning Sprinkler can be transferred to a small jar which has been decorated by
the child. This makes a good gift for children to give their families for holidays.
Educating families: Accompany seasoning gift with the newsletter
"Seasoning Without Salt," pointing out the recipe to families as it is handed
Planning for change: Using the information in this section, provide a
training for the cooking staff that illustrates where sodium is found in the foods they
prepare. Include tips for decreasing the sodium in prepared foods such as:
- Rinsing salted canned vegetables
- Avoid adding salt to foods during preparation
- Using half the seasoning packet when preparing packaged foods
Be sure to familiarize the staff with the "Seasoning Without Salt" newsletter
for families so that they will be able to answer any questions about salt and sodium.
Tips for Seasoning without Salt
- Gradually reduce the amount of salt used in recipes
- Serve smaller amounts of condiments such as mustard, catsup, relish and salad dressing
- Do not put salt shakers on the table
- Serve more fresh and frozen vegetables
- When serving canned foods such as soups and vegetables, or frozen meats and main dishes,
select those with lower sodium content
- Rinse canned beans in a colander under running water
- Use beef or chicken broths prepared with less sodium
- Try adding other seasonings to foods, such as lemon, pepper, garlic powder, onion
powder, and herb and spice combinations
- Use lightly salted or reduced sodium snacks
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