Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)

The Kids Are Counting On Us!

The N.C. Simplified Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)

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2013 SFSP Informational Meetings

We invite you to attend a community forum in your area to learn more about the Summer Food Service Program and how you can become involved. Click here to RSVP online. You may also RSVP by email or by telephone at 919-758-9993.

Note: Currently, there are no summer sites operating. Check back during late May 2013.

The North Carolina Simplified Summer Food Service Program makes it easier for schools, local government agencies, and private non-profit organizations to feed children during the summer.

The Simplified Summer Food Service Program:

  • Dramatically cuts paperwork by eliminating complicated accounting requirements.
  • Ensures that all sponsors receive the maximum federal reimbursement. The funding can really add up.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides funds to the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health to administer the Summer Food Service Program. Staff in the division’s Nutrition Services Branch recruit local government, school food authorities, and non-profit organizations to sponsor SFSP in their communities. Sponsors are reimbursed for the cost of the meals served to eligible children and may apply for advance funds to cover start-up costs. Meals may be prepared on-site if the kitchen is adequately equipped, or sponsors may contract with a vendor to purchase prepared meals.

The program is offered in community locations such as parks, schools, playgrounds, housing authorities, day camps, churches and community centers from May to September. The SFSP meal service is often combined with learning and recreational activities for the children. A year-round site is also an option for children attending year-round schools during the months of October-April.

During 2011, nearly 760,000 children in North Carolina were eligible to receive SFSP meals. However, only 12 out of every 100 of them were served. Therefore, the Nutrition Services Branch is making every effort to publicize the program so that more organizations will become program sponsors. Chances are there is a role you can play in making SFSP meals available to hungry children in your community.

How to Apply