North CarolinaDepartment of Health and Human Services
Division of Public Health; Women's & Children's Health Section
1914 Mail Service Center; Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1914
Tel 919-733-2973 Fax 919-733-1384
Michael F. Easley, Governor
Carmen Hooker Buell, Secretary
May 14, 2001
CACFP 01-07
TO: All Child and Adult Care Food Program Sponsors
FROM: Arnette Cowan, MS, RD, LDN
Head, Special Nutrition Programs
SUBJECT: Sponsoring Organizations Monitoring Requirements

It has been brought to our attention that there has been some confusion about the requirements of Sponsoring Organizations to monitor their facilities. A memo dated August 14, 2000, CACFP-00-17 stated, "Sponsoring organizations are required to periodically make unannounced visits to family day care homes and day care centers not less than once every three (3) years and at least one scheduled visit each year to family day care homes and day care centers. This requirement is in effect beginning October 1, 2000." According to 7 C.F.R 226.16 (4)(i)(ii)(iii), Sponsoring organizations are required to review their facilities as follows:

  • Three times each year at each child care center and adult day care center...
  • Three time each year at each day care home... and
  • Six times each year for each outside-school-hours care center...

Therefore, sponsoring organizations are still required to conduct at least 3 reviews each year at each child care center, adult day care center, and day care home.

Section 243(b) of Pub. 106-224 amended section 17(d)(2)(A)(ii) of the NSLA to mandate minimum visits to sponsoring organizations, family day care homes, and centers as follows:

Periodic unscheduled visits by sponsoring organizations to family day care homes and day care centers not less than once every 3 years. For example, if a Sponsoring Organization is required to make 3 visits each year, this means that in a 3 year period, a Sponsoring Organization must make 9 visits to that facility. Of those 9 visits, one of the visits must be unscheduled.

  • At least on scheduled visit each year to family day care homes and day care centers by sponsoring organizations. For example, a Sponsoring Organization is required to visit each day care home and day care center at least 3 times each year. Of those 3 visits, at least one must be scheduled.

Again using the example above, out of a 3 year period, a Sponsoring Organization must make a total of 9 visits (3/year).

  • three of those visits (one per year) must be scheduled.
  • one visit out of 9 must be unscheduled.
  • the other 5 visits can be scheduled or unscheduled. However, the State Agency encourages Sponsoring Organizations to make as many unscheduled visits as feasible.

If you should have any further questions or concerns please contact me at 919-715-1926 or your regional consultant.

cc: SNP Staff

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