North CarolinaDepartment of Health and Human Services
Division of Public Health; Women's & Children's Health Section
1914 Mail Service Center; Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1914
Tel 919-733-2973 Fax 919-733-1384
Michael F. Easley, Governor
Carmen Hooker Buell, Secretary
September 1, 2000
CACFP 00-20
TO: Child and Adult Care Food Program Sponsors

Arnette Cowan, MS, RD, LDN
Head, Special Nutrition Programs Unit

SUBJECT: Building for the Future Flier

Section 243(b) of Public Law 106-224 requires that day care homes and child care centers (or their sponsoring organizations) inform parents or guardians of children enrolled in CACFP facilities about the program and its benefits. Other information that must be shared with parents or guardians of enrolled children includes the name and telephone number of the sponsoring organization and the State Agency. For children that are already enrolled, parent notification must be provided by September 20, 2000.

The enclosed flier will help you meet the notification requirements required by Pub. L. 106-224. Please substitute your own contact information before printing and copying. A Spanish version of this document will be available soon.

If you have questions, please contact the Special Nutrition Program Consultant assigned to your region.

cc: SNP Staff

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